View Full Version : Some encouragement to chest pain sufferers

25-10-13, 05:13
I've had chest pains the last few months as well as panic attacks. This naturally morphed into a health phobia. I've now taken proactive steps to combat it, and yes it is a war - but it's a war I'm winning. I've recently began a daily exercise regimen that has been doing wonders for my mental and emotional state as well as my physical well being.

I've had heart worries even though I'm young. I went into the doctor's office and he diagnosed me with costochondritis as the chest pain hurt when pressed. My heart was beating fine and my blood pressure was the best it's been in a long while (122/82).

After starting the exercise regimen my heart worries and health phobias have almost vanished. It's lessened down to a "concern" in a way that I'm taking care of it, not that I'm obsessed.

So where's the encouragement? Since I began working out and I've decreased my health anxiety, I have not had chest pains. Tonight I was watching a show where the guy's blood pressure was high and naturally I thought that mine was too because I hadn't checked it in awhile. The thought turned into worry which then became a mild obsession. Guess what - chest pains are back.

So even though i was diagnosed with Costochondritis - ANXIETY IS A HUGE, HUGE PART OF IT!! DARE I SAY ALMOST ALL OF IT!!

So let's try to stop worrying and enjoy our lives - because anxiety is nothing more than a chain reaction of what if's becoming actual symptoms that then begin to rule our lives and our pocketbooks.

Here's to a life of freedom :yahoo:

25-10-13, 09:08
Glad.your doing okay and I.wish you the best of luck. I was also diagnosed with costo and its a health anxiety nightmare!

26-10-13, 22:33
what were your chest pain symptoms and how long did they last for usually?

26-10-13, 22:56
Jared that's some good advice there, and an important lesson you learned! I'm glad you've been able to really see how anxiety affects you physically and begin using that as a means to reprogramme how you think :)

I too have health problems that are only made worse by stressing about them, so I've been trying to relax and let go of the fears in order to help myself feel better. It's not a cure for my illness but it definitely helps.

Nice work on passing on the advice to others too, that's what these forums are all about :yesyes: