View Full Version : Sickness, can't eat . Want to breakdown n cry

jenny kilden
25-10-13, 09:47
Hi all
So I've been on 10mg got around 3 weeks, and upped to 15mg 3 days ago.
For the past week I've been getting up feeling sick before my eyes even open, my stomach is churning and I can't eat at all. I don't no what to do I just feel like sobbing. I feel so sick n desperate.
I just want to feel good again.
Did anyone else get the sickness after week 3?
I was waking up fine a two weeks ago, we'll not fine but not feeling sick.
I don't think I can take this much longer. What should I do?
I'm losing weight, feel sick n upset tummy, burning skin, crying.
Please please advice x

25-10-13, 10:56
I didn't take cit but the anxiety made me feel constantly sick and I just couldn't face food at all. Try to et things that go down easy. Mashed bananas are good, yoghurt, rice puddings. I just nibbled on rich tea biscuits at one point...it took me nearly all day to eat one!

25-10-13, 12:31
Jenny, I've been of citalopram for five days now and am pretty much anxious every morning. Chest burning, anxiety, nauseous. Of course, I convince myself my chest is a heart attack. Rationally I know it's anxiety. I've been told that it gets better. That it's the citalopram and your body and brain getting used to it. Hope you feel better soon!

jenny kilden
25-10-13, 12:47
Ty x
I need heaps of reasurance and courage to keep goin.
This site is a godsend because everyone on here has been thru or going thru something similar.

25-10-13, 13:09
Hi Jenny I have been on citalopram 40mg for 5 weeks now and it was a real nightmare to start, I was convinced it was making me worse. I'm told its a long road and still not great but its taking the edge off now. I still have a lot of bad days but getting better days too. My dr gave low dose diazepam to help at the start which helped and the people on this site are a shoulder to lean on because your not alone

25-10-13, 16:31
Jenny, I have lost almost a stone ,I hear u. Its horrible having no appetite. And not esting well takes our energy away too so its hard to feel full of strength. Ive emailed u hun xx

25-10-13, 16:35
Hi, I take 10-mg cit. I felt a bit sick and detatched for a few days then the side effects subsised some. I'd say stick with them, they pass xx

jenny kilden
25-10-13, 23:01
Thank you everyone x

25-10-13, 23:12
I hope you start to feel better soon Jenny x

26-10-13, 18:13
Hope u ok jenny, been thinking of u my lovely xx