View Full Version : So intense

25-10-13, 11:28
Hi guys just wanted to know if anyone has the same issues I have been on venlaxfine for several years and to be honest I find them very good and keep me on the level , I fluctuate between 75 mg and 150 mg ,this year has been a difficult one lots of anixety going on anyway I upped my dose to 150 but I not sure I found a great deal of difference also sleep was awful would wake every half an hour so back down to 75 which is what I am on now the problem is every single night I have vivid dreams not nightmares but I feel I spend the whole night dreaming does anyone know why this is feel very tired also I noticed my tablets change I have had the peach coloured capsules in 75 mg and then I have the white tablet form in 75 mg can anyone tell me the difference please look forward to hearing back from anyone on these meds

25-10-13, 12:02
Hi i take venlafaxine 187.5mg and i have really vivid dreams on them, i hate it as i guarantee every night will be the same, i take 150mg of the brand efexor and 37.5mg of the brand venlalic, there's lots of different generic brands out there but i always make sure i get the same every month x x

26-10-13, 13:13
Yeah I get that as well crazy dreams that don't make sense lol

26-10-13, 16:33
Same for me...crazy dreams every night :shrug: lol

I am on 112.5mg a day, often I get different brands but it doesn't worry me, it's the same medication at the end of the day and it does it's job as it's supposed to.

Kitti :)

02-11-13, 15:55
When I was on 150mg I had mad vivid dreams and horrible night sweats!
The lower the dose the less I get.