View Full Version : Hello - Newbie here

25-10-13, 12:54

I am just coming off of Citalopram - it's been about 3 weeks now and I am finding the withdrawal symptoms unpleasant. I had been withdrawing and cutting down on my doseage for quite some time - since April. I was on 40mg and got down to 5mg before stopping altogether.

I have been sick a number of times, feel nauseous, irritable, emotional, low, headachey etc. I find my stress levels are a bit higher than usual and my tolerance for things has lessened too. My job is quite stressful and I find myself just wanting to stand up and walk away from it, which I know is unrealistic. I think another side is that I then chastise myself for 'being a baby' and 'not being able to cope'. I keep going round and round in a circle regarding my opinion of myself. I'll say to myself 'I'm doing OK, I just have to persevere', then I'll think 'well other people can do this 'life' lark without medication, why cant you'...then I'll swing back to 'it's OK to be feeling down and poorly'...

My feeling is that a large part is the withdrawal symptoms of not taking the tablets anymore and I am trying to rationalise how I am behaving due to that. I would just like to be back to the fun-loving person I was all those years ago and not feel so lost about who I am.

Thank for taking the time to read this. I apologise if it is somewhat 'jumbley' to understand !!

25-10-13, 22:09
:welcome:hopefully things will get better for you there is lots of help and support here