View Full Version : Plumbing!!!

25-10-13, 13:19
I don't think my brain has stopped vibrating yet :wacko:

Yesterday, the plumbing started making this deep, vibrating noise which only me and my neighbour above me could hear.

LOL......the two of us were both doing exactly the same..........wandering around our flats trying to find out what was making the noise, unbeknown to each other!!!! :roflmao:

OK........roll on to this morning.................I awoke to the most horrific noise.............sounded like something was going to explode :scared15:.........rang my neighbour, she could hear the same, she rang our housing trust who told her not to worry, it's just an air lock and they'd send a plumber "NEXT FRIDAY"!!!!!! :ohmy:

Moosie said "I think NOT!!!!!..........the noise was really bad and no way were we going to endure that until next Friday.............so on the phone I got.........rang them, told the lady on the end of my phone to please listen to the noise.............she heard it, spoke to her colleague then said we'll get someone out today!!!........yeah too damn right you will!!!!! :winks:

Plumber arrived 20 minutes later, he said could be a number of things so I shall just have to work through them, he turned off my stop cock, waited a few minutes, turned it back on...........and hey presto!!!..........noise gone :yahoo:

The relief was immense for both me and my upstairs neighbour, I even made the plumber a nice cup of tea..............how kind of me :winks:........we laughed about it all, and he said, "well, anyway, I got a lovely cup of tea out of it, so it was worth it to me!!!" :roflmao: :roflmao:

25-10-13, 13:24
Omg something like that happened here! Next door I have an elderly neighbour and next door to her is a guy that I see often at work. He and the neighbour who lived above the elderly woman could hear a tapping/ticking noise. Someone knocks on my door and asked me if I could hear it and I couldn't, they couldn't understand how because it was keeping them up. I kept an ear out and called the hubby, he never heard anything.

Anyway, an hour later he came back and said that the carer who visits the elderly woman left the tumble dryer on and there was something hard, like a key or something, which kept making the noise! Although it didn't affect me I was glad they found the cause because it was such an odd noise!

03-11-13, 15:43
I don't like noises like that; when I was little our bath tap had water hammer. it was sooooooooo scary. fortunately most modern systems don't do that.... but after what you said here, anything's possible!

03-11-13, 16:28
Pleased you got it sorted Auntie, that doesn't sound like something you want to be listening to. At least your plumber turned up...mine was supposed to come yesterday morning but didn't get home from his night out until lunch time!

10-05-20, 16:05
Last night I had a dream about a central heating boiler making horrible creepy water hammer noises that sounded like low-mid frequency humming/droning, between the musical notes of A# and C, and I legged it away from it pronto, even though I am almost 43 years old and not a 2-3 year old, who would more likely be scared witless of such sounds!!

10-05-20, 16:16
Lenco, you're a bit late, this post is over six years old.

10-05-20, 16:19
I don't like noises like that; when I was little our bath tap had water hammer. it was sooooooooo scary. fortunately most modern systems don't do that.... but after what you said here, anything's possible!

Those noises could have also been caused by a dodgy ball valve on the header tank in the loft or airing cupboard that refills when the hot taps in a house/building are turned on, and can resonate through the pipework within the respective circuit, with the noises lasting for a few minutes even after the hot taps have been turned off.

Most 'modern' systems tend to have combi-boilers at the core, but even they themselves can be prone to faults that induce water hammer-type noises, so basically no system is ever going to be 100% fail-safe.

10-05-20, 16:26
Lenco, you're a bit late, this post is over six years old.

I know, but being a bit fed up today, I happened to stumble across this old-ish thread and wanted to get this off my chest due to the bizarre dream I had about noisy boilers and plumbing last night, that I have always had a thing about since I was a little kid. Plus, I've gotten a bit too emotionally involved with the CV-related threads again today, and fancied changing the record.

19-05-20, 03:09
Hey Lenso,

I had a dream I was up in a bucket truck doing some electrical work and a black bear came walking out of the woods. I was laughing at him and calling him names and giving him the finger cause he couldn't get me. He was just staring up at me. Then he climbed on to the back of the truck and hit the over ride to use the lower controls and started slowly lowering me to the ground. I was screaming like a little bitch. He just kept staring at me as he lowered me closer to the ground. When I got to the ground I jumped out of the bucket to run but forgot to take off my safety harness and it jerked me back on my ass. Just then I woke up and my wife was looking at me like I was nuts. What do you make of that?
