View Full Version : CBT starts soon

25-10-13, 17:42
So I will be starting my CBT soon, yeah health anxiety and also being unemployed may have also cause my anxiety.

I will used these sessions well, maybe also get some job leads.

26-10-13, 14:46
good luck with your cbt ,it helped me a lot hope it does the same for you :)

05-11-13, 22:29
I start this Friday. I got a lot to get off my chest. I am worrying about lung cancer now as well. I am 29 I am scared about my health, every ache and pain. My parents hope it might have me be less anxiety about worrying.

I am going to be truthful and honest with him.

09-11-13, 09:11
The first session completed, it will take a while for things to kick in. A little bit of homework, paperwork.

09-11-13, 14:40
hey phil, well done for getting through your session. it cant have been easy. how's your homework going? I found that the whole thing was so helpful to me. skills I learned over a decade ago I am still using every day. wishing you well.

09-11-13, 14:52
It was just a couple of sheets to filled out, questionnaire. a few paragraphs to write out.

He was not be rude but wanted to know more about my disability and condition NF. To see if there anything which could have trigger my anxiety.

I use website NHS and dyspraxia foundation to help him.

If I write notes in between sessions as well, but don't want to jump to far ahead. Slow and steady.

Many thanks for asking.

11-11-13, 11:11
I got my 2nd appointment this Friday, looks like it going to be every week. I am still scared about my health and will not rest until everything has been tested. The CBT may or may not work for it, but since once of the doctors at the practice arranged for me to have CBT I took the chance to go for it.

11-11-13, 21:25
Sounds like progress phil. Good for you.

16-11-13, 10:30
I been for my 2nd appointment yesterday, I don't think I have made any progress my anxieties have been sky high with my fear something is wrong with me, even though I been told nothing is wrong with me by my parents. plus the test results have been fine. I am afraid of my health

16-11-13, 11:16
It can take time, phil. Habits we firm are much harder to change than they are to acquire, but you stick at it.

18-11-13, 10:28
With my 3rd session this Friday, which I could do with, he might want to speak to my parents.

22-11-13, 18:51
Had my 3rd session today, whoops I left the list of things I was worried about last week at least he knows. I am health anxiety mad, very scary. lots of cancers I am afraid of, also reading about things make me think I got the same thing wrong with me.

24-11-13, 21:36
I got my 4th session on Thursday this week, so I don't know what to expect. I still got a lot to talk about, my CBT coach may talk to one of the doctors about my worries if he thinks I am at risk of over worrying myself.

24-11-13, 22:00
It all sounds like progress to me. The early days can seem rather confusing, not to mention overwhelming..... But ultimately that offloading of information will be beneficial.

25-11-13, 20:13
'my CBT coach may talk to one of the doctors about my worries if he thinks I am at risk of over worrying myself.'

just out of curiosity is it possible to worry too much?? and if you can worry too much what could this lead too??


25-11-13, 21:26
'my CBT coach may talk to one of the doctors about my worries if he thinks I am at risk of over worrying myself.'

just out of curiosity is it possible to worry too much?? and if you can worry too much what could this lead too??


That's what general anxiety disorder is, worrying too much. I suppose the definition would be worrying about things that do not require worrying over, like what people think about you, a harmless symptom, going shopping, getting the bus etc.

29-11-13, 17:14
many thanks, so my 4th appointment was yesterday, did something with the belt technique.
I am coming up to being 30 so more worries are going to arise. I am not going to be 100% anxiety free my cbt coach has told me this.

03-12-13, 11:34
He did noticed in my notes that I did wrote to much information, he thought that was quite interesting and said to him stop if it too much information being given in one go. The human brain is amazing thing.

09-12-13, 21:58
After this evening session in the chatroom and me worrying about my health. I am going to try and focus more on my CBT as I cannot go on like this now I have reached 30.
I will be giving the chat room and forum a break and will be back next year when I be hopefully more refresh.

I just want to say many thanks for your help over the last number of months.

17-01-14, 16:49
I had my 9th session of cbt, something done on tape, a relaxing exercise so I can refer to it if needed. I am started to try and take my sessions a bit more serious, even though I know I may only have a few more sessions left.

17-01-14, 22:40
That's really good to hear. I hope the rest of your sessions go well. You deserve that as you are working hard on getting your focus where you would like it to be. That is definitely a step in the right direction & I am looking forward to hearing more :-)

20-01-14, 16:58
Hi, is this NHS supplied CBT? How many sessions do you get and for how long?

21-01-14, 16:00
One of the GP at the practice I attend referred me, so I think it though NHS. So far I have had nine sessions, 1 hour per session, well one went over by 10 minutes. I don't know how many more I have got to have with the person I am saying/ I hoped it worked but at the moment it has not helped me much, I am still anxious as ever, worrying no stop.

22-01-14, 17:21
I got a review session next week, for my 11th appointment, he said most people have 12 sessions. so we got to see whether it worth it carrying on. I still trying to put these techniques etc - into practice, but struggling deeply.

22-01-14, 19:38
Stick with it Phil as it does take time 2 effect change.
I am hoping they'll given more sessions :-)

26-01-14, 14:51
Man thanks
I may be getting some gym help soon. I am still very scared about my health and worries I just cannot like things go and let things be like there are. I am scared of cancer and even though I have had a few tests and scans done and nothing has been found, I would have been told by now.

I think I need to give the forum and the health sites a break.

26-01-14, 15:57
yes a lot of people say about giving the forum a break. it does depend really on what your troubles are. for some people it's reassuring to have someone there that they can talk to but if you come into the forum & see all sorts of posts about stuff you're scared about, well it doesnt help i'd imagine.
I fluctuate how much I post really. I haven't posted quite as much at times simply because either I am busy or there's stuff going on that means I cant concentrate well enough to help other people.
but generally the forum does help me & i'm able to help others too.
but you must look after yourself & if you need a break then do consider it.
meanwhile try to focus on the skills you're learning in CBT. it isn't easy to change how you think and behave but you can make changes if you keep at it.
best of luck :-)

31-01-14, 18:02

Thanks for your reply again. I got a three week break from CBT, than we will decided what is best for me to do next. It like we have two different conversations he says.
I also went to a gym to look around, useful because it also host a job club in the centre.

19-02-14, 16:56
Finished CBT now, no more sessions as it is not helping me.

---------- Post added at 16:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

I don't know what else I be offer now. He is getting in touch with the GP who referred me. I am still scared of about 169 cancer types, and still fear I got something wrong with me.

23-02-14, 16:43
So it was agreed between me and my CBT that it was my last session. I still feel the same, but worst. My parents have not got the old me back. I am scared about my health. I cannot even put the techniques into practice because of the curious of pain etc. Even though my parents keep saying nothing is wrong. I am scared that something has been missed by dentist, doctor/gp, specialist.

I tried my hardest with CBT maybe I should have tried a little harder.

25-02-14, 12:12
Even though it may have not worked, I will try the Sheffield no more panic group.

25-02-14, 12:19
Phil, even though your CBT sessions are over, you can still put intompractice all of the techniques that you learned. At least try to identify your irrational thoughts. Then possible your brain will become attuned to them. It takes a lot of daily practice before CBT sinks in. After all, we are virtually retraining our brains to think in a completely different manner.
Have you read the book, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway? I found that to be really useful. Matter of fact, I need to go back and read through parts of it again. Good luck.

28-02-14, 19:08
Many thanks, I have not read the book, never even heard of it. I am trying my very hardest, but I know worrying is making myself feel a little bit worst. A couple of those daily mail articles this week have really scared me.
I need to get my brain back in focus, my parents and family want me back to how I was a few years ago. not worrying as much.

20-03-14, 17:44
I have two group sessions so far and even though there have been no change in myself so far.

I have only been to see the GP once so far this year (which was much better last year when I was there nearly every week), for something sensible was worried about of my NF lump and would like it removing, also to see whether it be possible to have a brain scan (because of my NF) not had one for since 2002. plus I also mention to get in for an examination because I thought I felt something on/in my testicle which could have been a lump, turns out I was feeling a tube.

17-04-14, 20:56
I have not have the need today to attend the group anxiety. Even though my anxiety is still high