View Full Version : Pregnancy - a cure for panic?

25-10-13, 17:51
Some of u guys know my story, I've been on NMP since 2011! I've met some great people and when I was bad I was every part of the word bad - with regards to the severity of my panic attacks.

My panic attacks came as a culmination of years of family/racial/personal issues.
These included my mum being sectioned , my brother hasn't spoken to my mum for years, my dad having a child to another women, my mum abusing me and cursing my husband (then boyfriend) when I had my first child. She used to take out all frustration between her and my dads volatile relationship & project it onto my relationship with my lovely husband whom I've now been married to for nearly a decade - she never married dad - big issue for her.

Then my hubby - his family Pakistani & did not want to know me but especially my baby for 3 years because I was what they refer to as a westerner! They would reference their behaviour to Islam - an insult to Islam because no religion would expect grandparents to simply ignore an innocent child/grandchild for 3 years. Consequently We married then they began to accept! However - we were between houses & I moved in to the in-laws. I was on cloud nine, always angry that my little girl of then 3 who's now 11, was ignored. But being married at last & finally commitment between me & hubby I was ecstatic! It all fell into place? Not really, for 5 years we got stuck there due to property slump & that was not the primary problem - I was essentially bullied - their way or the highway. Head butting hell, cultural differences - my parents lack of understanding blah blah. So 20 when I had my daughter and between all this I've owned 3 houses, gained a BSc, learnt to drive and a baby boy arrived 2009!

So Nov 2010 we finally bought a lovely house nice area fantastic schools. I had started my PGCE also very hard With 2 kids & house move & so.....I started to get ill! panic attacks - basically I had a brake down & was told by GP to stop whatever I was doing and go home and scrub floors, as I needed NO stimulus.

The crap still continues BUT we are older & wiser and won't suffer fools family or not! It's also better in terms of finally not living with my mum as I was with first child & better because not at in laws as with second child. But a very unlucky start to moving in to our long awaited dream new home and having ALL this stress finally catching up with me! Affecting then my future career & a financial knock as Ive not worked/studied since 2011 ! other than a bit of volunteering!

Now I'm pregnant 3rd & final time! I can't wait to see the baby BUT the anxiety over the labour IS KILLING ME! But with a baby to think of its weired and back to the title of this thread - it's made me have to face my demons! Feeling out of control vomiting, constant dizziness, feeling frankly weired, visual problems, being tested , attending hospital and antenatal appointments! I've had to deal with it weather I like it or not!!!! As Before, just sitting in the docs surgery I'd have been fidgitting, heart racing etc & I think God that was easy then, now my worry constantly focuses on my baby and trying NOT to make myself worse by trying not to get mysnelf so wound up that i end up provoking nasty pregnancy issues due to my anxiety! It's soo hard as I said I'm crippled by GAD! In middle of the night flash dreams of dramatic medical scenes. Me bleeding to death, placental rupture, tearing again & worse, being wheeled to the theatre all these things just crippling me. I don't feel strong enough to give birth - its just rotten. BUT it makes me look back at B4 pregnancy & I think God , Collette you really had nothing to worry about. NOW U DO!

Also the luck aspect creeps in, am I just damn unlucky because today I finally booked to get my dry scalp and vision checked to be met with a wagon full of questions by receptionist ? Claiming she needed to ask my symptoms so that she'd slot me in with the correct practitioner. Only to be given a slot with the nurse! I never go to the GP & after getting enough money to top up phone by £10 to phone their rediculous 08444 number?? And because I've had enough of midwife /hospital stuff, I finally book the courrage to phone & I get the bloody nurse?? I cancelled an hour before the appointment as I realised, the nurse is one of the mums at my daughters school & I feel uncomfortable talking about personal stuff with her. Meanwhile my mums had gallbladder out and not gone well, can't get to see her as I've got pelvic dysfunction & reffered to urgent physio - and my brother not being around, it just always makes me carry that extra burden & more pressure from my mum! I've got 2 kids to look after already, my hubby works like a dog & also today my roberovski dwarf hamster found dead by my 11year old & my 4 year old decided to put navy blue felt tip (massive scribble) on his cream bedroom carpet??? Yesterday my car seat was recalled after weeks of saving money for it & over the last few weeks we've had issue with boiler, car broke down, I had to have a growth scan for the baby as she was measuring smaller.

GOSH what have I done to deserve all this???? Yep make your bed lie in it as its always harder with kids but, I love my kids they are my career. Its all the rest that's making me very synical & making me think those flash nightmares in the middle of the night are going to come true.

I don't know what to do or where to turn. :emot-fail::emot-fail::emot-fail:

25-10-13, 18:26
Oh Col, I am so sorry to read all this you are going through :( I wish I lived closer to you so that I could come and help you. You are a strong lady though, you have had to be I know to cope with everything life has thrown at you. Now is a time when you should be relaxing and everything seems to be going wrong for you. It won't be long now though before that lovely little baby will be with you. Have you got any names picked out?
I don't know what I can say to help you but do want to send you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

25-10-13, 18:43
Ahhh thanks Annie , I just needed to vent. I'm tired of this why oh why do some if us have it soo tough. I often think don't be selfish everyone has stuff like this but then again I don't think some do OR not to the nth degree. Why oh why. I'm not blowing my own trumpet but I'm very very conscientious of others & try always to be fair & understanding & keep things like my mum dad/ brother situation as balanced & fair as possible. I'm a bit of a people pleaser & it goes against me ultimately.

Thanks Annie xxxx names I'm thinking of a mixed culturally but traditional - Hannah, Eliza, Deana, Arriana, Sophia. Xxxxxxxxxxx

25-10-13, 18:48
I love all those names Col, especially Arriana :)
Life does seem unfair sometimes. I know people who everything always goes smoothly for and others seem to get everything thrown at them. We will be stronger though for it won't we? (says me hopefully!!) xx

26-10-13, 15:36
Hi Col. It really does seem hard to believe it when "family" can treat "their own" this way. Thing is as well, the way I see it (perhaps an idealistic view or perhaps a naive one) that when it comes to religion (regardless of what religion it is or belief or faith) or even just being a decent human being, that you do not discriminate against anyone. also that you treat others with respect too.
So what if our life's path means do things slightly differently? the world would be a very dull place if we all behaved the same and conformed. Or did the norm.
My relationship raised a few eyebrows in my family, not least with my parents... It was their religion that gave them issues with me... Because who I fell for happened to be a woman. I didn't set out to hurt anyone, it just happened & I decided to go with the flow and do what made me feel happy. I do appreciate that they didn't just "send me packing" but sometimes I do wish they'd at least acknowledge I am in a decent and long-term relationship with a genuine, kind & loving person.
I wouldn't want it to sound as if I am against religion as I am certainly not. Even though I might not have a faith or believe in god myself doesn't mean I am against it. I look at it that if having a religion helps people live their life to the full then that is a good thing. If it makes them feel stronger and to have good purpose in life it can only be beneficial.I think I would just prefer people to live and let live. I hope I wouldn't offend anyone with my words as I know it can be an emotive subject.
Anyway, Because of my experiences, I have strong feelings about what you say and indeed can relate to where you are coming from. I just will never understand (and perhaps don't want to) why some families are like this. You'd think it was a crime to fall in love eh? Or that they think somehow you chose the wrong person deliberately. Love doesn't work like that, it can be totally random.
I am glad that eventually things did Improve for you but that doesn't take away the hurt and the bad taste it leaves behind. Out of interest, Did you ever receive an apology from anyone? Hearing the words "I'm sorry" makes a huge difference.
When it comes to having your baby.... First off congratulations!!!! It is wonderful that you are going to have a new addition to your family. I am really happy for you.
The things you are fearing when you are in labour are understandable. I haven't had any children but I can assure you I'd be feeling the same. I was reading that back and thinking it didn't sound very helpful... But I thought it best to be open about how I'd feel if it was me. That having been said, fearing something does not mean it will happen to you. Having already had two children, at least you already have good insight what the experience is like, how things will work.
You have been through so much and these other things that have been happening have brought everything to a head. No wonder you needed to rant.
Perhaps after everything that's gone on in the last few years, it's triggered fears for you now, especially as ....when you are pregnant, am I right in thinking that the changes in your hormones can also affect your mind? Bit like having pmt? Only I find my hormones can really mess my head up sometimes!!

26-10-13, 23:02
Thanks Annie and Tessar, so much comfort from your kind words XXXX

Tessar wow we sound like similar people - people pleasers, with similar morals and similar events in our life regarding ' you can't help who you fall in love with '!

Gosh hasn't been easy for you and obviously looking at my own situation I completely empathise with you. Damn right each to their own. We all have opinions & maybe some prejudice views BUT when your so called - nearest & dearest almost psychologically and emotionally destroy you about your adult choices, it's very very hard! 12 years for us being married and I'm more and more intolerant to my family regarding my choice of partner, how we live & our kids upbringing - we are very good at incorporating both sides but still, not good enough for my parents in particular - very boring now !!!! What annoys me is they still try it on and the damage they have caused with reference to the past. You'd think life's to short and people especially family would bloody learn. Better to have their daughter / son in there life a bit than completely screw them over resulting in relationship breakdowns within a family, surly?

It's when people don't learn and years go by that frustrates me! Pregnancy hormones or not I think yesterday would have sent the most sanest person around the bend. I do think the pregnancy hormones are now making me over react about labour though, definatly true. But I'm finding due to my last difficult labour, that the more I know doesn't actually help. Because Im aware of how bad & complicated things can get. I just need to really focus my mind on positive and that the end will be in sight soon and prey to God we are both fine & can come home! Fingers and toes crossed.

Im soo pleased your in a loving relationship & women or a man so what? It really isn't worth years of family feuding/tears or agro! My mums cousin is gay and she's been invited to his wedding - to say my mum claims to be ok about gay relationships hmmmmm. She called me up saying that my aunties will not be attending and she didn't know what to do! I said if you can go & have been invited , you should go. For Gods sake. Each to their own, I really don't know why some people have such strong opinions about other people's life's when we all walk in our own shoes at the end of the day. But they feel they have to verbally or physically behave in a rude manner in order to display their disapproval. How dare some people!

As for religion, again each to their own, I don't know what it's really got to do with anyone what peoples personal beliefs are. That includes your own parents, because at the end of the day we all die & who's to really say any of us belonging to or believing in a particular religion, has got it right? We'd all have good arguments to put forward & stand up for our individual beliefs and why we individually think our beliefs are right! BUT you can't impose your own beliefs on others because it's a personal thing. My brothers christened & now in his 20's doesn't really believe in any religion at all, he's not an atheist but is more scientific in his belief. So parents just can not guarantee that by baptising their child or calling their child into any religion, will ensure that's the path they will definatley follow during adult hood. It's good to shop around, read and make your own mind up anyway. Again each to their own.

Thanks again Tessar, takecare col XXX