View Full Version : horrible taste in mouth

25-10-13, 19:41
Has any1 ever had a metal taste in mouth. I keep getting a metal taste in my mouth. Not every day though. Its driving me mad and im starting to think its something bad!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

googling and i know i shouldnt but its saying a metal taste can be a symptom of cancer HELP PLEASE XXX

25-10-13, 19:46
It's also a symptom of anxiety. See the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page.

Good Luck!

25-10-13, 19:51
its hard to believe anxiety can cause a metal taste along with lots of other symptoms i hate this theres a new symptom everyday

25-10-13, 20:12
What's amazing to me is just how many physical symptoms anxiety can actually cause. When you read through the symptoms in that link you think "no way", but they are documented physical symptoms caused by the mind.

It's interesting to say the least. I have neurological side effects from chemotherapy. Nueropathy in my feet being one of them. They feel numb and cold (they're not to the touch) and I get "stabby" pains in them all the time but there's nothing physically wrong. I also get body twitches and RLS (restless leg syndrome) and a bunch of other things but much of it is caused by my body and brain misfiring due to the effects of the treatment. It's crazy I know but it is what it is and much better than the alternative.

Good Luck

25-10-13, 20:39
I guess the brain is a powerfull thing thanx for your post

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

iv also read it could be a sign of MS im seriously freaking out

25-10-13, 21:00
Shelley, with respect, you really need to try to be firm with yourself and stop Googling, stop reading, or stop researching symptoms.

In HA, knowledge is NEVER a good thing. You just jump from the worst thing to the worst. It doesn't squash the anxiety, so what purpose does it serve for you or any HA sufferer?

Cancer...MS...the list will just go on hun.

The thing about Googling is it just validates what you fear, so you actually inevitably find the one thing you are scared of, and the anxiety gets bigger.

I have the same as you right now. And a burning mouth. I put it down to my anxiety being a problem right now. If it carries on and on, I'll see a doctor. If not, it's all good.

Try if you can to just tell yourself 'ok, so this is weird, but I won't let it get to me and I'll see how things go.'

It is hard, but it can be done. x:hugs:

25-10-13, 21:02
I guess the brain is a powerfull thing thanx for your post

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

iv also read it could be a sign of MS im seriously freaking out

Remember... the brain is a powerful organ ;) And please stop consulting Dr. Google. A computer search engine cannot physically examine nor diagnose you!

Good Luck!

25-10-13, 21:33

I have had a metal taste in my mouth and a sore tongue,palate and a nerve feeling in my teeth since February.

My psych says it's a part of anxiety. I went to an oral consultant who said van(burning mouth syndrome)
I'm now trying to accept its a part of my anxiety! To see if it eases as nothing else as helped!!

25-10-13, 22:15
Thank you all soooo much for taking the time to reply. I know i shouldnt google it just gets the better of me from time to time. I have calmed down slightly after reading your posts and knowing im not alone xxx :hugs::hugs:

26-10-13, 01:12
I have heard it could be acid reflux...going up your esophagus and entering into you mouth. But yes...I think I experienced it from time to time...but it went away.

26-10-13, 10:45
I have experienced an unpleasant taste in my mouth for 2 years now ever since a tooth extraction. After several visits to dentist I went to my gp who was able to refer to the Dental Hospital. They seem to believe the first taste is due to anxiety and that by constantly thinking about it it sort of makes me believe the taste is there. I found it to be very troubling so they recommended that my GP prescribe Mirtazapine. I have been taking 15mg daily for about 5 months. I can"t say that it has made the taste go away but it has at least helped with the worry caused by thinking about the taste all the time. I have another appointment at the Dental Hospital next month to see how I've been doing, so it'll be interesting to see what they say.

26-10-13, 10:52
Do you just get a taste ?

As I get other symptoms as well.

Let's know how you get on.

26-10-13, 11:05
It"s mostly a taste, but sometimes my tongue feels really sesntitve against my teeth. The only way I could describe it is when I was a kid I remember putting the tip of tongue against a square a battery and the feeling is similar to that. I will post what they say to me after thee appointment. In the meantime I find that chewing sugar free gum does help. In fact having anything in my mouth at all seems to help, it's like it distracts my taste buds or something. The annoying thing is I kind of now accept that there almost certainly isn't anything physically wrong so it's just about waiting until my brain decides to accept that.
When I eat food still tastes the same etc so at least it hasn't stopped me enjoying food although sometimes my mouth feels sensitive after eating, but if this happens I just reach for the chewing gum.
Good luck with this, it can be very annoying, but it probably isn't anything to worry about. When I had my first appointment at the Dental Hospital in Glasgow they told me they see 3-5patients a week with similar problems so we are not alone.

16-11-13, 20:02
Got my appointment with the dental hospital this week and thought I should update what happened. The specialist I am seeing for my taste disorder seemed encouraged by my response to the 15mg mirtazapine he asked my GP to prescribe back in May. He seemed surprised that I was still on 15mg as he had advised that the dose should be 45mg. He advised me to up my dose to 30mg in the meantime and will send off an update to my GP.
So far I seem to be settling on the 30mg without too many problems although I have felt a bit anxious in the mornings since I started but it soon passes. Although I haven't seen any kind of improvement with the taste ( which know is far too soon) I'm feeling pretty positive about the situation due to the oral specialist's positivity.
I'm going to try zinc and vitamin b12 supplements as they can sometimes help with taste disorders and it certainly can’t hurt to try. The final piece of the puzzle will be stop the old roll ups completely, I managed to get down to 2 so I am nearly there.
If there are others out there who have overcome a similar situation to the OPs or mine I'd be really interested to hear what meds or other remedies that worked for you.
Anyway to all the lovely community on this board have a good weekend.

16-11-13, 21:11
I get a metallic taste in my mouth often. I can also taste my own mouth. A sort of fleshy sensation... It's quite weird. It won't kill you so just calm down :P

This used to freak me out a lot at first too.