View Full Version : Celexa

Stacie Sue
25-10-13, 19:52
So I have been on Paxil for almost 13 years for my panic/anxiety. This past winter I was stupid enough to think that it wasn't doing anything for me and I didn't need it anymore so I weaned myself down from 40 mg to 0 over a 6 month period. A week after I stopped I started getting anxiety symptoms so I went back on at 10 mg. Tried going to 20 and anxiety got really bad. Added 175 mg of Seroquel at bedtime. Over next 6 weeks somewhat settled down. Then all of a sudden my anxiety got really bad again so my psych doc decided to change me to Celexa. Stop 10 paxil and start 20 Celexa. I have really horrible start up anxiety with this med so the Seroquel is now up to 300 mg per day which I hate because I think it is too much but without it I would be even worse. Today is day 9 of Celexa and no Paxil and I have a drag on me til the Seroquel wears off around 2ish and then the anxiety starts. Sometimes I am shaky and if I don't take some Xanax it gets almost unbearable. I feel sometimes like I am going to lose it. Anyone else have start up anxiety with the Celexa? I hate running to the Xanax but sometimes it just gets so bad.

25-10-13, 20:08
Hi Stacie, is celexa same as citalopram ??

Yes my anxiety is shocking. Mornings are hard for me, really hard.

U will get a lot of support here xx