View Full Version : so scared about dvt - sorry for posting again :(

26-10-13, 03:07
i have tingling, coldness and this really painful tight cramp feeling whenever i put pressure on that leg.
it's like a bad muscle pull but 10 times worse and is almost like a plugged feeling like somethings wanting to pop out in my vein.

i am terrified I have dvt and i can't sleep at all. im so scared about it travelling to my lungs and I've already got shortness of breath that comes on even with just a few steps.

my clot blood test was normal but i have heard they are only 70% accurate especially with calf dvt.

i feel pain travelling up to my groin now and im terrified.

next week i have cbt but i honestly feel this is real and happening and isn't just anxiety.

i am seriously considering getting a private ultrasound because my doctor won't refer me but im not sure how much it costs - also everywhere is shut on the weekend including bupa clinic so idk what to do i can't go anywhere can't sleep all i can do is worry :( i feel like nobody can help me.

has anyone on here had a dvt and what were your symptoms?

30-10-13, 09:40
I don't think you have DVT. If your doctor was concerned he would have referred you. I've heard that DVT is extremely painful and if you had it you wouldn't be able to go about your daily routine if you had it. I know it's not easy but try not to focus too much on it. You will get pains everywhere in new places everday as part of stress and anxiety. Sometimes i focus on a new pain so much i forget what i was worrying about last week!

30-10-13, 11:30
What happened to the serious chest pain? It resolved I assume? I really think getting started on your CBT will be beneficial East. However, if what the doctors have told you earlier isn't satisfactory and you want to spend your money (and lots of it) on further testing then look into it.

Good Luck!