View Full Version : has anybody got over an aneurysm fear?

26-10-13, 14:08
I've come to a point where I have to overcome this anxiety, I really do have to. I'm doing well with all my fears but coming up to a brick wall with this one.

I believe I have a few symptoms of an unruptured brain aneurysm. They fill every day with fear. Theres no chance.of me getting any tests.

I know these.fears are quite common so.just wondered.if anyone had a.fear of these and how did they get.over it without tests?? Thankyou x

26-10-13, 14:19
Roxy, it's not the brain aneurysm fear you need to get over but it's the issues underneath it that you need to look at, if you know what I mean?

Our anxieties trickle out in different ways, sometimes it's aneurysm or sometimes it's brain tumour or DVT.

But these worries will just jump from one to the other unless we address the underlying fears. If you can work on this, and also learn to relax your body & mind with different methods that trigger your relaxation response then you'll be well on the way to leaving your anxiety behind.

26-10-13, 14:37
Oh I know I need to work on my anxiety as a whole. I agree I flit from fear to fear but this is a.constant fear based on my symptoms, I just cant seem to get past it :(

26-10-13, 14:42
That's because the root fear is still there, you haven't dealt with it so it will keep bubbling up. Or you need help letting go of obsessing about perceived symptoms.

Have you tried CBT?

26-10-13, 14:53
I've not tried CBT, I can't imagine iI will help, I have a degree in psychological.studies.and counselling which has helped zilch. Im not sure about being on the other side of it :)

26-10-13, 14:55
Do yourself a favour and get working on setting up CBT sessions for yourself today :)

If you have a degree in this stuff you must have a good knowledge of anxiety and how it works?

26-10-13, 14:57
I do have a good knowledge,.makes the whole thing even more stupid lol!

26-10-13, 15:03
Well, it is hard so don't be too tough on yourself :)

But, it's time to put some of that knowledge into action and be proactive in your recovery!

Look up the CBT today!

And it would be good to have a think about what was happening in your life when the anxiety was triggered.

---------- Post added at 15:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

What would you say to a client of yours who came in with the same issues as you're having?

26-10-13, 16:07
I dont know what.I'd say to a client as I didn't go into that line of work afterwards , I work at probation service :) quitw.possibly a good thing the way I'm going!

Nothing was happening at the time, I was taken to hospital with a suspected pneuomethorax symptoms kept on coming I.googled and boom i.have a million diseases ...

26-10-13, 16:32
Did you have a look at CBT therapists in your area?

26-10-13, 17:10
Think I'm going to ring the local open minds on Monday (if I'm still alive obobviously ;)

26-10-13, 17:24
What is open minds? Are they an organisation who do therapy?

26-10-13, 17:51
Yes it is :)

26-10-13, 18:00
Excellent, that sounds like a great plan :)

It would be awesome if you could get CBT through them!