View Full Version : Scared oral cancer

26-10-13, 18:42
Hi everyone new here and really worried that I could have oral cancer here's my story had this horrible taste in my mouth for about 2weeks so i sucked i shut my mouth and sucked and blood came up I thought it was my wisdom teeth that it was coming from so I went to the doctors last week all the doctors was busy so I seen a nurse told her she looked on my mouth says it was ulcers under the back side of my tounge gave me antibiotics and asked when was the last time I was at the dentist which was a long time ago so I made an appointment to see the dentist such was 2 days after seeing the nurse told him about the ulcers he had a look at my tounge and took pictures of it then phoned the hospital came back and said to me ulcers are very dangerous if there under your tounge at the back so he gave me some corsodyl mouth wash and told me to come back in a week. The bleeding has stopped since using the mouth was I am really really scared that I have oral cancer I am 26 male drink and smoke I have severe anxeity and this has made it worse i am worrying about it 24/7 I have lost intrest in food not been eating. My anxeity got the better of me and went to the hospital last night and 2 doctors from the ENT clinic looked in my mouth put the camera up my nose to see if there was anything in my throat but couldn't see anything and said try not to worry about it I have the dentist next week and am really really scared

---------- Post added at 18:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

Has my anxiety got the better of me just really really worried ;(

26-10-13, 18:57
James that does sound scary, so don't be too hard on yourself. I think any of us would be anxious waiting for results like that.

However, it sounds like your dentist is taking good care of you and is being very thorough, so trust that you are in good hands. Plus the mouthwash has started working which is a very good sign.

While you are waiting to see your dentist again try to relax when you can. Use a guided meditation from YouTube to soothe your mind in the mornings or after work. If you find yourself panicking about the ulcers then do a breathing exercise, just breathe in for 7 counts and breathe in for 11 counts. Do this for a little while, it will make you feel calmer. P

Don't allow yourself to think about what this *might* be, it's not worth spending too much energy on imagining horrible futures for yourself. Instead focus that imagination on relaxation methods to help yourself remain calm.

Make sure and let us know how you get on with the dentist next week x

27-10-13, 15:35
Hi thanks :)just really worried about it really I know it's not going to do my GAD any good the ENT clinic couldn't find anything alarming the other day when I went so that's a good thing. Just worried I have lost half a stone in weight just don't feel like eating dont know of that's be cause am worried or what :( well I have the dentist this Wednesday hope its all ok really am when I asked him if it was oral cancer he said he doesn't know was to early to say so. Hope it's not cancer :)

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

Seem to have nearly every symptom of oral cancer dont know if its just anxiety that's making me feel like this

27-10-13, 15:38
Yes, James, it is anxiety.

27-10-13, 18:51
Hi James,

I'm an oral cancer survivor and I can tell you what you describe is not typical for OC. In most cases, there are no symptoms and by the time it's diagnosed, it's far along. Also, OC doesn't respond to antibiotics or come and go. Based on the lack of dental care, this is most likely periodontal in nature and will resolve with proper care.

Good Luck!

27-10-13, 20:20
James I had to reply to this the anxiety you feel was me this time last year I was sent by my dr to oral cancer specialist at the hospital I was terrified I had what felt like a growth on the inside of my cheek. I suffered for a year before going to the drs. The hospital would have kept you there if you were in danger....dentist will pass you on as will a dr this is exactly what happened to me. Ulsers are fueled by anxiety and fear ...mine 2 years on flares up if I become run down. Its there for life. Good luck and relax !!!

---------- Post added at 20:20 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ----------

Ps dentist doesnt know...covering himself by refering u thats what happened to me x

28-10-13, 05:58
Hi thanks for all the info :-) the ear nose and throat doctors said they couldn't see anything so that's good I think they put the camera up my nose to look down the back of my throat and voice box said everything looks ok said it sounds like acid reflux that could be burning my throat and mouth hopefully that's what it is and not the oral cancer. Just sick worried really trying my best to take my mind of it making myself worse by not eating really lost all notion to eat ;( not long now till Wednesday to I go back see the dentist was maxfacail clinic he referred me to

28-10-13, 10:31
Well Iam going to go see the doctor today see if he can put my mind to rest really worried

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

Here's a picture http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/3738/8whk.jpg

28-10-13, 10:53
^^^^ Not what I was expecting when I opened the thread! Dang! Other than what looks like a small tonsil stone on the left tonsil, it looks normal, but I'm not a doctor.

28-10-13, 11:08
Sorry had to post it is the red colour normal

28-10-13, 13:45
I got those white spots on my tonsils ALL THE FLIPPING TIME. I used to suffer from reoccuring tonsilitis and they're either calcium deposits or pus (harmless). The only bad thing about them is that they smell awful. I can't see any redness.

FYI you can post a picture of complaints but nobody here has the capability of diagnosing what you have, even with a picture. We aren't trained and only your doctor can diagnose and treat you.

28-10-13, 16:33
Hi thanks think I have had that tonsil stone for awhile aswell never seems to go away.
So Iam just back from the doctors he said everything looks ok can't find anything in my mouth :)

30-10-13, 11:52
Well got the dentist today really worried :(

30-10-13, 12:05
Well got the dentist today really worried :( ...So I am just back from the doctors he said everything looks ok can't find anything in my mouth

Do you expect the dentist to find something different? You'll be fine and the dentist will help you to take better care of your mouth and teeth.

Good Luck!

30-10-13, 12:34
Thanks fishmanpa :-) I don't know hopefully I am ok hopefully this all is my anxiety playing symptoms on me

30-10-13, 22:16
Well went to the dentist and good news I don't have oral cancer :-) and I have stopped smoking

30-10-13, 22:49
Well went to the dentist and good news I don't have oral cancer :-) and I have stopped smoking

Great News and even better that you stopped tobacco use! Congratulations! I'm really happy to see that post. Now build on it ya hear?! Work on "you"... beat the beast called anxiety and enjoy your life :)

14-12-13, 21:55
Hi James,

I'm an oral cancer survivor and I can tell you what you describe is not typical for OC. In most cases, there are no symptoms and by the time it's diagnosed, it's far along. Also, OC doesn't respond to antibiotics or come and go. Based on the lack of dental care, this is most likely periodontal in nature and will resolve with proper care.

Good Luck!

Hi, I was browsing through looking for mouth ulcer posts and found yours. It has helped me as I am also worried about ulcers on my tongue. I chew my tongue and put it down to this but it still scares me a lot. Thank you for the post though.