View Full Version : Hello All

26-10-13, 18:11
Hello to everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to the community. I am new to the site but not to the issues we are all dealing with.

I'm a married 38 year old mother of 1. I've been dealing with anxiety and OCD since I was a child though I was not officially diagnosed until the age of 21. My anxiety skyrocketed around the age of 26. I was re-evaluated and diagnosed with: anxiety disorder, panic disorder, PTSD, OCD, depression and agoraphobia. After being observed in the hospital for a day the doctors (my GP, Psych and a handful of specialists) were a bit stumped. My anxiety attack lasted for over 6 hours. On average they last anywhere from 5-8 hours. I'm told that shouldn't be medically possible but it is what it is.

I've been on every medication you can think of reguarding depression and anxiety. I've read dozens of self-help books. I've tried CBT. Nothing seems to help.

After October 31, 2013 I will have been housebound for a solid year. I can make it to the mailbox and back but that's about it. I have no friends. I have no support group. (My husband thinks I should be "over it" by now). The computer is pretty much my only link to the outside world.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen (or read in this case). I'm just looking to make some friends who understand.

26-10-13, 18:37
Hi Welcome to NMP. I am sure you will find lots of support from people here.

26-10-13, 20:25
:welcome:to nmp lots of help and support here