View Full Version : ribs

rachael t
26-10-13, 19:52
Iue been having like a cramping pain under my left rib its on and of goes away for couple of wk then bak again scared its serious

27-10-13, 21:07
I get the EXACT same thing. I've been told its anxiety but not totally convinced. I cant work out if its bone or muscle pain or something else. Sometimes it goes away for a while, I start to think it's cured, then it comes back. Only on my right side though!

rachael t
27-10-13, 21:37
Scary and painful

27-10-13, 21:40
I'd go and see your doctor, it might be something going on with your spleen. Just to be on a save side.

27-10-13, 21:50
Ive had bloods done which doctor said would show up anything wrong..
She says these aches and pains are very common with anxiety sufferers and isnt at all concerned

27-10-13, 23:48
I have this too and it has been classed as IBS. Apparently the colon bends underneath your left rib cage so gas etc gets trapped here really easily. I have it alot and never truly seem to be rid of it but I've had bloods and an ultrasound and an x ray and all seemed fine. I'm still scared by it so I know how you feel x

rachael t
28-10-13, 12:09
i had full blood test done last month would that show problem with spleen

04-11-13, 17:52
Hi, I too have flair ups of this the pain on the left side rib cage & seem's to spread to the middle of my breast bone it kept me awake last night.. Gavison eases it, I had a scan a few years ago that came back clear but I am worried again as I haven't had the pain for a while ..

04-11-13, 18:25
I have had this on and off for years, muscle tension can cause it and also IBS spasms happen in that area. If you have had blood tests and they are normal then all the better.