View Full Version : help!!!!

02-11-06, 09:34
I thought I was ok. Have been very positive for the last few days, but am feeling funny this morning. The butterflies are back and the nausea, am a bit shaky. I am going back to work tomorrow. Have lots of issues with work, an incident that i am not allowed to discuss with anyone, colleagues who aren't always supportive, and a line manager who speaks to me when he has to. Don't know how to cope. Am very tearful. This has come out of the blue. I want to be normal again.[V]

02-11-06, 10:10
Hi Bear,

Hugs for you today. I think because you know you are going back to work tomorrow your bound to feel out of sorts espically when theres issues surrounding work. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. xxx

Take Care


02-11-06, 11:26
Hi Bear,

Sooo sorry to hear how you are feeling, I know how hard it can be when you are feeling this way.

**This has come out of the blue**

This has not come out of the blue bear, knowing and understanding where are anxiety are coming from and what triggers it can be hard, but you have alot going on at the mo and finding it hard to find copeing skills.

You say you have lots of issues with work and you are NOT allowed to dicuss them with anyone, this will fuel your anxiety, its NOT far for anyone to suggest that you cannot discuss your issues with work. you HAVE TO talk to someone. No wonder you are tearful and feeling this way. I and anyone else would feel the same.

Bear, is there anyone you can talk to regarding the work problems, this problem needs talking about with someone who can help solve the problem. Talking can be a great haaler, sometimes even if the problem can't be solved right away, just talking about it to someone, helps alot.

**I want to be normal again** I know is dame hard Bear, but try not to think this way, Mr anxiety loves us when we think this way, she feeds on thoughts like this. YOU ARE normal, I know you don't feel like this now, but you are a strong person and you WILL get through this.

I will be thinking of you,



02-11-06, 13:30
Thanks Mandy and Jill,

Its good to know people care. Its my daughters 20th birthday today so we are going to see her in Notts where she's at uni. I think a couple of drinks might help.

02-11-06, 13:30
Thanks Mandy and Jill,

Its good to know people care. Its my daughters 20th birthday today so we are going to see her in Notts where she's at uni. I think a couple of drinks might help.

02-11-06, 13:43
Hi Bear,

Part of recovering is learnig how to switch of from anxiety and the problems we have in life.

Have a good time mate, you deserve it, you are working sooo hard trying to understand all this enaxiety, you NEED time away from it all.

Have a drink for me too LOL [:P] not to many though.



02-11-06, 14:59
Hi I think you are feeling like you do because of returning to work.I sthere no way you could change your job.You shouldnt have to feel like that.Im feeling like you today,down and tearfull,what we like!!!!!!!!;)

Ellen XX

02-11-06, 16:12
Wish I'd read that before we chatted today!!!!

Hope you have a good nite tonight with daughter. I'm happy to hear how you are getting on with work. Given what you say here it will be difficult but there are loads of folks here who will listen and offer advice.

Take care Bear
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Bearcrazy}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }

ps..I didn't get the job!!

Laisez les bon temp roulez