View Full Version : Brain Zaps!!!!

26-10-13, 21:04
I've not enjoyed today one bit!!!!!

I woke up this morning with brain zaps really bad!.......every time I moved my head and inch either way, I had zapping through my head and across my tongue :wacko:

My partner sent me to bed this afternoon, it did seem to help a little but I'm still getting zapped!!!!

Does anyone know what actually causes this??? I'm wondering if it's to do with the SSRI's, my migraines or pernicious anemia??

I can understand the zapping if you're coming off of the SSRI's as I know that that often happens, but I've not changed my dose or missed any tablets, so what the heck is causing it??

Also, has anyone discovered anything that helps get rid of them once they've started??

I'd be very interested and grateful for any replies :)

27-10-13, 00:02
I get them too. I have been on Paxil for 11 years and they come and go since I have been taking Paxil. What seems to trigger them for me is if I am more than three hours late taking my daily pill, during PMS, when sick if I have a fever, and if I am real tired. They are not fun but not dangerous either, I got used to them. I don't like them at all though.

I am sorry you are experiencing them. :( Don't worry though - 11 years I have zapped on and off and nothing bad ever happened to me.

Take care,

27-10-13, 01:52
Thank you Mich :)

They don't really frighten me, cos I've had them a fair bit, but never as intense as today and not lasting so long either :wacko:

I take my antidepressants like clockwork! same time every morning so I don't think it's where I've got long gaps.

I'd love to know what actually causes them though??

27-10-13, 07:30
That sounds really unpleasant. I wish I knew how to get rid of them. At least you know they won't do anything to you but meanwhile it must be a real pain the the proverbial