View Full Version : Sharp pain in left breast..need help

26-10-13, 21:45
hey..this is the first time i am using any forum..forgive me if i make a mistake..very concerned about a sharp pain in my left breast and also armpit, showed it to a doc she couldnt find any lump and said am fine, I insisted on an ultrasound...as she was doing the ultrasound she got a bit confused in the nipple area, checked the right breast it showed d same, she said these are ducts, but later took the report to ultra sound specialist, he too was seemed confused for 2-3 minutes then asked if i had a fever or got hurt here, my answer was a No.. later he said its normal and these are ducts..
wat gets me worried is..if it was normal why were they confused
Really tensed please help :(
I am 23 btw

26-10-13, 21:52
The fact that they weren't worried, the fact you are only 23, and the fact that these were found right under the nipple confirms that these are ducts. Some women have little lumps on and under the surface of the areola - these are special glands/ducts that help milk flow, stop milk blockage, and feed a hypothetical baby better lol. It is very normal and sounds like what you have. They can be painful too. Most breast cancer lumps are painless and hard btw. Rarely is there any pain associated with the lumps and with breast cancer there sometimes are very unusual highly noticeable symptoms such as blood or discharge. You wouldn't be able to ignore something like that.

26-10-13, 22:43
Thanks a lot Eastofeden ... I hope i ll b able to stop thinking about it once the pain is gone..
One more question i hope u can answer, can an ultrasound differentiate in ducts and cancer? or is it just the biopsy

26-10-13, 23:16
Hi there, you are super young, way too young to get breast cancer tbh. If they had suspected anything at all, they would have told you or done further tests.

Also, notice the specialist said ducts, plural. If there were lots of little lumps this would be super unlikely to be cancer - most cancers are singlular lumps, not lots of little ones. Again, the fact it was under your nipple adds to the conclusion that it's feeding glands.

I get sharp pains in my boobs all the time, I'm sure if you asked your female friend they'll probably agree! It's just nobody really talks about that kind of thing lol. At the end of the day boobs are a part of the body with nerves and muscle, and are prone to random sharp pains just like anywhere on our bodies. :)

please don't worry, I hope you feel better soon :hugs: