View Full Version : HELP!

26-10-13, 22:11
Hi I am izzy and I am 14 years old. My dad passed away VERY suddenly of heart attack in May this year and I saw it! Ever since I have complete health anxiety!!! Today I have had the worst fear again that I will die because I have felt really really dizzy all day basically and sick and I have been on my computer all day so I am really really worried that I am going to have a seizure because I am on the computer too long :( please help me!?

26-10-13, 22:16
I'm truly sorry to hear about your father :( At your age that had to be traumatic. What you describe can be found in the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page and can be attributed to anxiety.

Why not log off the computer and find something else to occupy your time and mind for awhile? That seems to make the most sense and I assure you will help alleviate your fears :)

Good Luck!

26-10-13, 22:24

you have suffered a terrible thing and now have symptoms of anxiety......please speak to an adult and tell them about your fears...............your mum, teacher, aunt,uncle.....:)

26-10-13, 22:27
Hi Izzy,so sorry to hear what happened.Have a stretch or something in your room if you cant go out just to get some circulation going.have a drink of water,maybe you are dehydrated.Please take care.The chances of you not being well are very slim at your age Izzy.Talk to someone who is with you if you are still concerned.My mother had HA last year in front of me.It was scary even for me and looking back I should of seen a councilor or someone straight away.Maybe its something you might be able to do.Its very very hard I know.

27-10-13, 11:10
Hi, it must have been a difficult experience - the one you described... Perhaps go and see your GP and see if you can be referred to a talking therapy to let yourself process and 'digest' this experience, that surely still lingers at the back of your mind... Good luck! :)