View Full Version : Left chest pain

26-10-13, 22:28
Just had to get this off my chest, no pun intended. Day 6 on citalopram and most of the side effects seem better. Off and on for the last two days, I have had a dull ache of a pain that comes in my left chest area. Worse at night when my entire chest burns. I can feel the muscles in my back and they seem very tight. Is this just anxiety? I am trying to remember that I am over reactive and trying to accept that fact. I've had this feeling before and ended up in the ER and it was stress.
Exertion doesn't make the chest pain worse. Lying on my side in bed actually makes the burning worse. I also can't seem to reproduce the pain. It just comes and goes when it wants to. I do know my muscles are tight. Can this be causing the chest pain?

26-10-13, 22:38
Off and on for the last two days, I have had a dull ache of a pain that comes in my left chest area.... the muscles in my back and they seem very tight. Is this just anxiety? ... I've had this feeling before and ended up in the ER and it was stress.

Absolutely! I highlighted a few parts of your post as it answers your question. I can tell you it doesn't sound sinister based on what you're describing and is almost word for word a symptom of anxiety. I've had heart problems and I know. I also have had a couple of panic attacks in my life so I know they can mimic heart issues. While I'm not a doctor, in this instance, based on what you're saying and experiencing, I believe you can attribute it to anxiety.

Good Luck!

26-10-13, 23:22
This sounds like acid reflux to me, especially since it worsens when you lay on your left side. Your esophagus and stomach lie right beside your heart (your stomach is actually quite high up and just under and below the left pec and the esophagus goes past your sternum, stomach isn't around your lower navel where most people think it is).

when I have reflux I get a constant dull pain in my chest.

27-10-13, 00:42
Thanks Fishmanpa and Eastofeden. It's always so nice to know someone is listening and that they have been through something similar. I do tend to have acid reflux, which is worse when my anxiety is high. I hate it when I let my imagination get the best of me. At least I didn't spend an hour on google, trying to diagnose myself.

27-10-13, 01:41
Thanks Fishmanpa and Eastofeden. It's always so nice to know someone is listening and that they have been through something similar. I do tend to have acid reflux, which is worse when my anxiety is high. I hate it when I let my imagination get the best of me. At least I didn't spend an hour on google, trying to diagnose myself.

I really wouldnt worry about it :) Reflux causes so many scary symptoms. I feel like I'm having a constant heart attack when mine flares up.
Sometimes when my reflux acts up, breathing actually worsen the pain! I have never heard of that...breathing can move the esophagus? I didn't think so. I got so scared I actually got a ct of my lungs...turned out it was reflux all along and breathing in and out made it worse. It was so weird.

Try an acid suppresser and drink a glass of milk and see if that helps :)

27-10-13, 01:46
Thanks Eastofeden! Great information to have. I'm going to tuck this away in my mind and try to hold on to it.

27-10-13, 10:46
I really wouldnt worry about it :) Try an acid suppresser

I take an OTC acid reducer in the AM and PM (generic version of Zantac 150). While I haven't been diagnosed with acid reflux, I do suffer from indigestion issues and have for years. Taking the acid reducer keeps it at bay as well as watching my diet and avoiding foods that cause it to flare up. It just sucks that there are a lot of foods I like that don't like me! ~lol~