View Full Version : Hiya all

27-10-13, 12:45
Im Adam, 35 and from the UK. Ive suffered depression and Agrophobia and Anxiety for about 12 years and ive only just started this year to seek any sort of medical help. The longest ive gone without being out of the boundries of my home was 6 months at its worst . My relationship has suffered terrible with my wife and kids to the point where tomorrow im moving out and will be on my own again. Im pretty scared considering how isolated i will be with my medical problems . I do have a Social worker now and a CPN who have been working on getting me rehoused for the last 6 months and trying to get me on some sort of stable medication. Im currently on mirtazapine 30mg once a day and ive been slightly better on it but im still a bloody emotional wreck at times with my panic still sky high.

I am also worried about claiming this new ESA rubbish and dealing with the mighty ATOS who i have heard awful things about and i worried that i wont get the financal support i will need. I havent claimed anything for the past 12yrs of my illness because i dont want to be dependent on benefits although the jobcentre have known about my health as once every 2yrs i had to go in just for a chat about me health and nothing more.

So yea though id take a look at this site just to read others stories and possibly find a few E-friends who share similar health issues.


27-10-13, 13:55
:welcome:to nmp there is lots of help and support here

27-10-13, 15:21
Welcome, Adam. I just joined a couple of days ago, and already found a wealth of support here. It's nice to be amongst people who 'get' how you are feeling - even if our experiences and how we ended up here differ.

I just want to say how positive it is that you have taken the brave step of seeking help. To have coped so long with your condition without help tells me that you are more resilient than you probably know. Persevere with it and it will get easier!

Greg :D

Daisy Sue
27-10-13, 15:29
Hi Adam, & welcome.

You might be able to get some help with applying for benefits from D.I.A.L. - they're the disability help people, and have helped me in the past. It's years ago though, so I'm not sure they still do it, but worth a try... http://www.scope.org.uk/dial

27-10-13, 19:02
Thanks for the welcome all. Im sure my social worker will sort me out applying for the benefits and things.