View Full Version : feeling out of breath and exhausted

27-10-13, 15:59
I've just had 12 hours of sleep and i still feel absolutely exhausted and strangely weak.
i feel out of breath too.

my calf pain is getting worse and im seriously scared I've had a pe but there's no chance of me getting a scan because i had one 6 months ago and my blood test came back normal (apparently this is common even with dvt)

i really don't know what to do now. there's a definite change and i am so weak and sickly looking but don't have a virus or anything. last night i felt so faint i thought i was going to collapse.

i can't even get a pe ruled put because the scan is the only way to do it. i just feel like crying now :(

28-10-13, 02:57
Hello it's also a massive fear I have ... Now to my knowledge the d diner test if its positive it still doesn't mean u have a bloodclot because there are numerous reasons that it can go positive it's just indicative that u need further examinations but a negative d diner practically rules u out completely.. So if u have a negative d diner an show no actual physical symptoms like leg swelling, heat and or redness and u have no recent long haul travel or risk factors I.e smoking or hereditary clotting disorders plus ur chest sounds clear the likelyhood of u having a clot is practically zero! ... Now with u sayin u have previously had a scan six months ago? Am I right in thinking this is a fear of yours ? I have thought I have a clot loads of times I have had severe calf pain, breathlessness an loads of symptoms this has happened to me on numerous occasions.. I still seem to be here. I know u may think oh it's easy for U to say u don't understand but I promise I do the fear is horrendous an the physical symptoms practical have u crawling the walls in horror ... It will pass xxx

28-10-13, 03:58
thank you so much sarah! you literally took the words out of my mouth, that's exactly how i feel! it's so good to know that someone understands what im going through, it's horrible but the fact you're okay gives me some hope.

and yes you guessed right...this is a fear from previous times too.
i had a lung ct because of chest pain - actually i didn't want it but they insisted...so now i can't have another one...it was a stupid thing to do because now i actually have all the symptoms so yeah...nevermind.
i think i have had way too much radiation but that's another subject....
thank you for understanding me...i feel very alone in this fear sometimes because most people have never heard of it :)

i would hate other people to fear this everyday though because it's hellish.
i hope you find peace of mind. hugs!