View Full Version : long post, but i want to put it all on the table.

27-10-13, 18:54
hello all! i'm ali, i'm a sophomore in college. i have always had a bit of anxiety to deal with, and i had a major depressive episode in my 8th grade year, but other than that i can't say that i've had any mental health issues that have severely affected me, that was until two months ago.

over the summer i could tell that my anxiety was gradually increasing and i made that decision that once i returned to school, i was going to start seeing a counselor. i had a panic attack the day before i was moving back to college because i had my first migraine. then, when i came back, the first few days were good, until i made the mistake of smoking marijuana that was laced with synthetic marijuana (spice or k2). the after-affects of this happening made my anxiety go haywire. i had a few mild panic attacks, looping thoughts, tension, mood swings, derealization, sensitivity to light and sound. you name it, it was like my anxiety went zero to 60 in two seconds.

i started seeing a counselor in campus, but her methods were not something that was constructive for me. she wanted to focus on drinking or smoking, while i was trying to convey to her that those were the coping mechanisms and not what i wanted help for. so i switched to an off-campus therapist who i like much better.

to end this off, my anxiety has lessened, i'm still having issues but now i can address the symptoms instead of fearing that i am going crazy, and my therapist taught me some relaxation techniques. the only problem is now that once the anxiety decreased, depression increased. now i feel continually down and disconnected from everyone because of what i've had to deal with. my life in theory is going really well right now, i have a loving boyfriend, good friends at school and elsewhere, a strong support system, many opportunities. i know in theory i should be happy, and i want SO STRONGLY to feel as zen with my life as i did the few months before my anxiety hit.

i'm considering starting a medication now for my issues, but that also scares me because i have never taken medication for mental issues before. i know i'm rambling and this is long, but i would really like some response. i'm just so tired of feeling this way, i want so much to be well again, and i was hoping here was the place i could get some understanding.

30-10-13, 08:31
Hi Greensnapple37,

It is good to hear that you were proactive in your counselling and found someone that you like better and perhaps gel with better.

It sounds as though as well as coping with your anxiety, you are really giving yourself a hard time about how you 'should' be feeling and how you used to be. Try not to feel bad that despite having all that support you are still suffering, feel glad of it and take the support that comes your way.

I do understand your experience with smoking, for me, when I drink alcohol, the next day is just horrendous for me. I put myself through so much anxiety, so much so that I have stopped drinking altogether. It may not be a permanent thing, but I don't want to pile anxieties up at this time :)

And I hear what you say about feeling disconnected. True friends never leave your side, and you will also find many many sympathetic and understanding people in this community.

Finally, I have resisted medication where possible. That's just a personal choice. I did however discuss it with my doctor, and if you are considering the same, I definitely recommend having a discussion and seeing if it will help you.

Good luck! Greg