View Full Version : Weird pressure sensation on chest

27-10-13, 21:08
I keep getting this from the last time i wrote this, i will suddenly get some sort of pressure on the left side of my chest pec, but more towards the attachment of the arm and upper left pec, sometimes it only lasts for 5/10mins and sometimes longer.
Theres nothing that triggers it, it just comes on. It kind of feels burning/tingly too
I would say its more a small squeezing sensation over pressure

28-10-13, 18:41
anyone please?
I'm sorry for posting the same thing but it keeps happening.
The chest stuff what I posted and also my upper back weird pressure/squeezing sensation.

Today at uni about.. 4:30 my right arm started to feel like it had been punched from the tricep and like that bruisy type aching...is that related?
I'm so scared :(

28-10-13, 18:47
I am not an expert but it sounds like you are compressing one of the major nerves that run through that part of your body. In my case, I am always tense and I sit at a computer all day so the muscles get irritated and put pressure on the nerve clusters and I get odd sensations at locations all along that nerve. If you google trigger points in chest muscles, you may find info that helps. From my non-medically trained point of view, it doesn't sound like anything too bad and please don't google anything else except trigger points. You may want to try stretches or trigger point massage. i had a trigger point massage one time and I was amazed at how they could find knots, press them and recreate pain in other parts of my body.

Good luck

28-10-13, 18:53
That definitely sounds right (i hope) I always seem to get neck pain ect from watching TV at an angle for too long or computer even if I am sat down for long periods of time.
I stupidly googled bruise feeling on tricep and you can probably guess what came up :( why do I do this to myself!!

28-10-13, 18:58
I work in IT, and I can tell you from how Google works that you will drive yourself crazy with vague searches like that. Go out to youtube and look for self trigger point massage or nerve glides and see if you can find any good stretches.

28-10-13, 19:23
what about my tricep pain?
It's been going on for 2 hours now and I know I haven't hit it, but it feels like it's bruised that type of pain, it's more in the deltoid region now.
I googled it and it said blood clot, so now I think I have a blood clot in my arm because nothing else comes up apart from sports injuries and I haven't done anything or hit it or been to the gym for over a week.

---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

i also was getting thigh pain earlier and last few days is that the blood clot moving?
How can i keep living like this everyday its stupid Im so scared

28-10-13, 19:53
Obviously I am no doctor but I have had what sounds to be similar issues and it was all related to pressure on nerves in my upper back, chest, neck and lower back. I have never had a blood clot but my brother did and he was in terrible pain to the point of heading to the ER and his leg was purple. Not kind of blue but purple.

Living this way sucks. I have dealt with anxiety for a long time. If you can go exercise or watch a funny movie or call a freind to chat (not about symptoms) then try it. Your mind is stuck in a rut and you need to break out of it. We are here to help.