View Full Version : End of Week One

27-10-13, 21:29
Well, it's been a bit of a rough week with different side effects coming at different times. I'm not nearly as anxious or as shaky in the mornings now. Today I find myself continually getting a bit nauseous which in turn makes my anxiety level rise.
This forum and all of the people in it have helped make this week more bearable. I really appreciate all of you taking the time to reach out and respond.
How long can I expect the nausea to last and is it normal that it is really kicking in today? Just trying to put my mind at ease.

jenny kilden
28-10-13, 09:11
Hi tanner my side effect got bad on week 3-4 was so sick in the morning. Couldn't eat nauseous dizzy upset crying
Think in on week 4+ this week and I have woken up and don't feel sick.
Which is good, still feel a little sad/low but not much anxietyx
We just got to keep going, last time for me it was week 7 wen all the side effects died down, but was a good few months before I felt 100%.

28-10-13, 09:58
Keep going. I am not feeling as sick either. Still anxious and tired but getting more confident.
Week 3 for me today xx