View Full Version : Increased heart rate and exercise

27-10-13, 22:20
Is it safe to still exercise while my heart rate is still high or should I see my GP first and ask about beta blockers?

I understand that increased heart rate/palpitations are a sign of anxiety so I'm a little concerned that it'll make the anxiety worst.

27-10-13, 23:29
Hi Leighroy,

If you have any concerns about doing exercise, it is wise to consult with your GP.

I love doing exercise, it really clears my head. I don't ever think about my anxieties whilst exercising which is a real relief! Also, as someone prone to agoraphobia, it can get me into the outdoor world and breath fresh air, which always gives me an extra spring in my step. It's also very good for meeting people, which again for me expands my world.

Remember as well, exercise doesn't have to be massively strenuous. Going for a walk will have great benefits for you too.

Have fun and feel good :)

28-10-13, 21:41
Hi, as Greg17 says, speak to your doctor if you are concerned and they can put your fears to rest. You'll probably be fine to get on with whatever exercise you want.

28-10-13, 23:28
I used to suffer with palps, so going to the gym used to freak me out, but I got used to it. Increased heart rate is your heart having a work out, which is good for you. Always speak to the doc before taking up exercise, but palpitations wont hurt you, unless there is a physical problem, of which I am sure there isn't if you and your doctor are sure its anxiety related.

29-10-13, 09:53
Exercise is a massive mental health promoter. It releases happy hormones and burns off any adrenaline, whilst getting fit. I highly recommend doing gentle exercises when you can.