View Full Version : Citalopram not working yet?

28-10-13, 02:21
Hey guys, so I'm on day 34 of 20mg citalopram and things are going, 'ok'. But I still seem to get slight chest/stomach pains but I don't instantly panic about them but they are on my mind most of the day. I've had an ECG and the doctor and cardiologist say everything is fine. I don't feel back to my usual self at all. And I still think I have a serious illness as I feel as I'm getting weeker everyday. I'm only 19 and the doc says it's down to the HA.

Hoping anyone can relate and give some advise? I will stick at the tablets I just hope there's nothing actually wrong with me?


28-10-13, 08:01
Cammy the meds won't work to change the way you think. They can be helpful to calm your body and mind down when you are ver stressed and anxious, but you still need to do some personal work yourself on the way that you think about the world and your fears.

Have you tried CBT at all?

28-10-13, 21:01
Stick with it!! I've been on citalopram since may. I still suffer HA and am not cured but the tablets have made life a lot more bearable. I dont think 34 days is long enough for them to have full effect. It certainly wasnt for me. I dont think there was a definite time when I felt them start to work. It was a very gradual process.. I just found myself able to do things and enjoy things and think of things that I used to before without anxiety taking over EVERY waking moment.
Citalopram wont cure you, I'm not sure there is a cure personally. They will however, allow you to deal with things better. It numbs the anxiety slightly and brings it to a level you can live with.

28-10-13, 21:04
I take citalopram and it takes the edge of everything but to be honest I am having CBT too as that will long term (I hope) change the way I think to stop me being so anxious x
It cN take time to settle in and work though