View Full Version : waiting for help

02-11-06, 13:46
Well I have been to my counsellor for the last time (my choice).

The positives I have ben able to drive my car, go to appts (not great though), gone into shops on my own, supermarket shopping/food,

I have felt not "unreal for a few days". I have managed to enrol on a five month detox plan for tranquilliers. I am scared but I do not see any other way. It meets outside my safety zones - meeting strangers, new places. There is a lot of group work. I see it as I have little to loose.

If anyone has any constructuve critisim or comments then I would be pleased to hear them.

There is a five week waiting list for this course and I dont know how to fill my time (kids ought do it but they dont). I have taken up knitting but it alsts all of five mins before I get restless.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Love Fran

02-11-06, 14:21
wow Fran,what good news!You are doing so well.You have taken control of your life,well done you!Dont thinkof the negative aspects of your detox plan,turn it on it's head into a positive! If you look at it all as one BIG thing to tackle youmay be overwhelmed,but hey you have done sowell already,you know all this!Have you a garden?That will take up time and energy too.If not ,how a bout voluntary visiting at a folks home,can be so rewarding and you can leave when you have had enough!!Just a couple of ideas there,sur you will get loads more.love mary rose,xxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

02-11-06, 14:54
Fran well done you have come along way.Good luck with the detox,I would be scared to,but think how good you will feel when you have done it.All the best.

Ellen XX

02-11-06, 16:05
Great news....well done.

About the five week wait....should just about give you enogh time to sort out Christm.........then again maybe not!!

Take carte and keep us posted on how you are getting on.


Laisez les bon temp roulez