View Full Version : :( I'm so scared

28-10-13, 09:28
I am 14 years old and I have health anxiety because my dad died really suddenly of heart failure in May. I saw it happen to him and ever since I have been so so worried about my health. Yesterday and today I have been urinating loads and loads like I have a constant urge to go but I don't really need to and I am so nervous because today I woke up convinced there was something really wrong so I went to the toilet and it slightly burned but I don't know if it's cuz I looked up symtoms and it's all in my head or what?! I don't want to die or be this ill all the time please someone help?
Izzy x

28-10-13, 09:48
I'm so sorry about your dad. It's totally understandable that you would be really concerned about your health.

The symptoms (feeling like you need to urinate constantly & burning) are classic for urinary tract infections which are easily treated with antibiotics. So go to the doctor & you will be better in no time. Also, drinking lots of water or unsweetened cranberry juice can help flush them out of your body.

Feel better!

28-10-13, 10:19
Hi Izzy I'am so sorry to here about your dad. The same thing happen to me with my dad 20 years ago this halloween I was 16 years old back then... and i felt the same....you will be fine go to the docs and you be better before you know it take care :bighug1:

28-10-13, 10:37
Heart failure at your age is almost impossible. The heart gets bigger to compensate, there are other symptoms that are easily picked up from an ordinary health check. Think about what you can do now so that you don't suffer heart failure when you are your father's age.

28-10-13, 18:31
I am so scarred though because my mum won't take me to the doctors she says they I am fine and it would be weird for me to get one because I never do usually :( I am so so so so so scared I am gunna die :( :'(

29-10-13, 10:06
We're all going to die. Treat every day as a gift while you are young and strong. Spend some time with very old people - for most there are many burdens, such as mobility problems, loss of sight or hearing, difficulty with memory and concentration. I'd rather be gone than live through too much of that.

29-10-13, 15:50
I don't think you should need your mum to take you to the doctors - you should be able to make an appointment yourself. Your symptoms sound like a UTI/cystitis, both of which are pretty common and fairly easily treatable. A UTI will show up in a very simple urine dipstick test that your GP can do that day in the surgery (at least, mine can) and you can get antibiotics to clear it up. There wasn't even any awkward 'intimate' examination!

Just because you've never had a UTI before (or not noticed if you had!), doesn't mean this isn't one - first time for everything!

29-10-13, 16:13
Hi Izzy,

I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. When I was 15 my dad got diagnosed out of the blue with cancer which started my own health anxiety. So please rest assured it is a very normal reaction to serious illness or death of a loved one.. especially when it is out of the blue so to speak.

The other symptoms you list sound very much like a UTI and just need to be treated with antibiotics.

If you can't get to the docs without your mum, then phone the NHS direct helpline and a doc will ring you back and at that point you can tell your mum a doc has said you need to go and get the antibiotics.

Please let us know how you get on.
