View Full Version : Scan worried

28-10-13, 12:43
Good afternoon all

I am returning to site after a few years away, previous issues were stomach problems and was diagnosed with diverticular disease.

This issue was resolved by losing some weight and had minor flare ups .

Over the last few months I have revisited the docs regards stomach pain on the
lower left quadrant and middle by Belly button

Had blood tests done no infection , I'm know going for an abdo scan
And getting really worried ;(

I have also recently lost my father 3 weeks ago and not sleeping and feel generally awful ;(

One doctor did say IBS with my other symptoms but I'm so worried :(:shrug:

Pansy potter
29-10-13, 04:22
I'm so sorry for your loss, try to seek some comfort in the knowledge that your dad is looking over you and I think that your scan will come up clear, stay healthy, look after yourself, be kind to your self and all will be well.
Sending you a big hug :hugs::hugs:

29-10-13, 09:23
Thankyou pansy potter :)
That hug was greatly appreciated ;)

Thankyou for thinking of me , Everything seems so difficult , getting through each day is hard.
Not sleeping due to worry about test

I loved my dad so much x

U take care ;)