View Full Version : paroxetine discontinuation or start up anxiety

Stacie Sue
28-10-13, 12:53
So I was on paroxetine more or less for 13 years. Started weaning off from 40 mg in February to 0 in August. 5 days after last pill started getting anxiety so I went back on 10 mg. Psych doc switched me to citalopram 12 days ago and started dose at 20 mg and stop paroxetine. My anxiety is through the roof and I wonder is it start up anxiety for the new med or am I having discontinuation withdrawl or maybe both????

28-10-13, 21:01
Hi it could be either i tried switching from paroxotine to citalopram years ago and i stuck it out for two months the citalopram but it didnt agree with me so went back on seroxat.