View Full Version : is this normal

02-11-06, 16:36
[V]Hello all,
I have been raving about how wonderful I have been feeling the last two weeks....wellll this morning i woke up all in a tizzy. i am raising three granddaughters and couldn't find one pair of clean socks anywhere. i started stressing on the house not being clean, the garbage not making it to the alley, homework everywhere, and me looking 50 lbs overweight with too few clothes to choose from, etc etc etc. then i had to go have my blood drawn to check the level of Lithium in my blood stream and to see if i have a slow thyroid (one could only hope) at least i would have a chance of losing weight with some medication.
last but not least i am having a weird problem when i read. its like the words all flow together and it takes real effort to keep them apart. i end up rereading things over and over. even the words on the computer screen are hard to keep straight. please anybody tell me is this normal???
i am at work now (woopee:(
i will check in later..please somebody TALK TO ME TODAY.



02-11-06, 16:49
Hi There dont worry I get the same especially if im tired or stressed

luv kaz x x x x x xx

02-11-06, 17:11
Hey Sheryl,

I bet your really tired and who wouldnt be raising 3 granddaughters lol. Hope to chat to you later xoxox

Take Care


02-11-06, 18:11
elo poppet! just hearing from YOU made me feel a little better. I wish that i could take a day off and chat for a nice long chat. catch you later mandy.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hey Sheryl,

I bet your really tired and who wouldnt be raising 3 granddaughters lol. Hope to chat to you later xoxox

Take Care


<div align="right">Originally posted by manmoor - 02 November 2006 : 09:11:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


02-11-06, 18:50
Sheryl - this sounds exactly like me every morning, ive got three kids and its hell in the morning! Once one thing sets me off then i start on about everything and just cant stop, first the washing, then the housework then my clothes then my weight, it just goes on and on and on. i find it so hard to just relax and let it all wash over me. by the time i get to work im frazzled and just want to get back home!


02-11-06, 19:53
Yep, that pretty much describes it. and then on top of all the other feelings of insecurity and uselessness, add a heaping pile of guilt for going off on the kids before school. THEN
you return home after working 8 hours and dealing with a wide variety of other personalities, picking up kids and doing homework x 3, and picking up poo from the doggie, and the house still looks like crap and i'm still overweight, and on and on and on......

i feel like i am just whining. buck up and handle it, just like everyone else. thank God for antidepressants.

Thanks for replying.


02-11-06, 19:57
HAHAHAHA sheryl, i suppose we have to laugh a bit dont we.

I just wish that i wasant so scared to take the anti d's or believe me i would.

Keep your chin up!


02-11-06, 20:15
Yes we do Michelle! Have a fantasitc day. I do not feel so alone as I did when I woke up today.


04-11-06, 12:24
I wake up in rage sometimes in the middle of the night, one time I threw my remote across the room and broke it for no apparent reason lol. I do wake up in the morning mad occasionally. It usually happens when I'm tired and gets worse when I can't find a good pair of jeans for school or something. For some reason though, I always get in a good mood as soon as I walk in the school. If I didn't get atleast 6 hours of sleep last night, Hell is unleashed. My best friend knows not to even talk to me in the morning.