View Full Version : Getting on top of it

28-10-13, 14:39
Hi All
My name is Russell 73 & living in Ireland. after having a second heart attack ( which went well no Problem 2 stents) I developed depression, this appeared about 9 months after the heart attack,I though all was fine so why did I suddenly plunge into deep depresion. Because I felt guilty of having my Best friend put to sleep. she was a Lurcher cross who was riddled with arthritis and in great pain and suffering,
I sobbed my heart out at the guilt I felt and to a certain extent still do, but manage to control it,
I was put on MIRAP and I went through all the usual symptons - trembling -shaking -muscle spasms and feeling realy ill. 12 months on I am feeling more of my normal self but have developed this eye trouble, feeling like my eyes are being scratched on waking up, I read somewhere that Mirap could cause this and wonderd if anyone else had this experience.

all my Phichiatrist tells me is MIRAP does not realy have any side effects ( which I think we all know is not the case)

Pansy potter
29-10-13, 04:32
Sorry I have no experience with this drug but I just want you to know that when I put my best friend to sleep from liver cancer, it was the most heart wrenching thing I had to do but like you it was completely necessary and my vet said something that helped me " you don't want to watch him have to die in his own"
And this made me realize how right he was as there was no other option I had tried everything, I did get very depressed after and I know it sounds crazy but as he was passing my animal communicator/ acupuncturist was there to help him and she said some things that were amazing that came true and I feel him around me all the time, try to feel your dog around you as I am sure she is at your feet at all times, don't feel guilt, feel the love she had for you and take comfort from her, she is still your loyal friend.

10-03-14, 12:32
Hi Pansy

Well its been nearly a year now and although I still feel guilty but I can understand, yes I did what I thought was right and so did my vet. I say a prayer for her each night in sure and certain knowledge that when my time comes we will be re united again.
I think only those who have lost treasured pets will recognise this.