View Full Version : So many bugs :(

28-10-13, 19:02
Got so much worry going through my head right now

first off my son was sick for 24 hours starting yesterday and now my hubby has been sick im dreading im going to be next i have a phobia of sick.

secondly i have a rotten cold that started yesterday.. i have a sore throat, blocked nose im weak and achy headachy the lot.
Im scared that i will get this sickness bug and also have to deal this this cold!
but my main concern is my friends mum just went into to hospital because she had a chest infection and now the docs have found phenomena in her lung, que HA panic alert :( i have this horrible cold and im so so scared it will turn in to something worse like that, every time i breathe in my upper back aches is this normal ? and is this all because i went out the other night wearing nothing but a top and skirt and no jacket?
i could do with a virtal hug :( so many bugs to try and fight off ..is it likly im gonna get this sickness bug too?


28-10-13, 20:00
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope your family all recover soon. I wish I could say that you won't get the sickness bug and really hope you don't but it is impossible to tell xx

28-10-13, 22:01
Hi sunshine just to let you no the exact same thing has happend in my home the sickness bug has do e it's round twice in 2 weeks touch wood I haven't had it once and there's 4 children me and my other half and no the cold has doing it's round I have a terrible cold and I'm so chesty I have a very deep wheeze and my back hurts along with chest pains :( hope you feel better soon x