View Full Version : Is this really happening?

28-10-13, 19:27
Hi, I'm an 18 year old with severe emetephobia..I have the biggest phobia ever of vomiting.

Yesterday morning my little sister woke up and was sick 5 times..
She did take the "microgynon" pill for the first time the night before for her bad period pain though, but I can't help but think it's a stomach bug!!

If so, what are the chances of me catching it?! I am terrified..

28-10-13, 19:49
I've been sick from bad period pains, it does happen. So you can't catch anything. Not all vomitting episodes are as a result of a stomach bug.

Have you considered getting some help for the emetephobia? It's clearly affecting your life.

28-10-13, 20:25
I feel for you

I too have the same phobia and have a OCD with germs because of it

Wipe surfaces etc down and wash your hands before eating to help reduce the risk of infection (if it is something like a bug)

drink plenty of fluids to help "clear your system" too

29-10-13, 18:51
Probably is from the period though, I know how bad that can be.