View Full Version : Opticians appointment tomorrow.

28-10-13, 22:26
I've been getting headaches a lot lately, plus floaters in my eyes.

Wherever I go to the opticians I am convinced they will find a brain tumour or similar.
As I have heard it can be picked up by an optician.

:( I'm such a worrier.

29-10-13, 10:36
Anyone got any advice? It's at 2pm and I'm scared! How ridiculous.

29-10-13, 11:22
Have a look at this YouTube video for EFT tapping for feeling panicked & anxious:


Tap the points on your own body & repeat what he says, while focusing on the fear and worry that you're experiencing. It will really help calm you down before your appointment.

Since I started using EFT I use it to stave off panic attacks & it works very well! I'm teaching myself to use it for other health problems too.

Give it a try, see what you think :) If it helps you might like to look into EFT a little further!

29-10-13, 11:48
Hi Hun im exactly the same! but nothing has ever been found and I get floaters and flashes in my vision 24/7.

Anxiety sufferers have high adrenaline levels which is what causes the visual problems, so try not to worry, im sure you will be fine :) xx

30-10-13, 11:05
Hi I get floaters most days which is worrying me, I'm going opticions tomorrow as well and very anxious! X

30-10-13, 11:40
Guys I've just written a new post about what happened yesterday.

---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 ----------

Opticians yesterday - got to make a appointment again in 3 months.
So he looked in my eyes and said he could see my floaters.
He seemed to make a bit of an issue out of it but wasn't very clear about what was wrong.

I have been prescribed a stronger lens for my glasses because my eyes are worse than before.

He has said I have to come back in 3 months for a follow up appointment.
Why would this be? He didn't really explain it properly.
Should I go back down there today and ask them why they want me back in months?

I'm worried it's the floaters and they are worried about them.

30-10-13, 12:03
Hi hun.

I'm sorry to see that your still feeling anxious. If you feel as though your not going to be able to relax for the next 3 months I would just call the Opticians and ask to speak to him and explain the situation. I have done this before, in fact I nearly cried when i went in cause i was just sooo wound up with worry! If this is how you feel its best to just ask xx

30-10-13, 19:58
Does anyone know why they would have called me back after 3 months?

---------- Post added at 19:58 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ----------

If it was something really bad they would have told me surely?

31-10-13, 02:58
I work as a optemetric assistant.. currently taking schooling for it as well. floaters are very very common nearly everybody has them, some ppl just arent aware of them. however ironically guess what can really trigger them???? you guessed it the stupid" A" word Anxiety!!! A follow up in 3 months will be to check if the new rx has improved them or not. although very bothersome, dont worry about them! :)

31-10-13, 13:32
My optician said that too - he even has them, after I read about them on here they appeared n I connected them with ms, doc and optician say no. Also I've had a MRI that was clear and I've had laser surgery on my eyes which can apparently make them appear
I hate them though they drive me insane!!!