View Full Version : okay this is serious

28-10-13, 22:52
I just got a crushing pain through my chest like something passing through*
then my arms and chest went numb and I started sweating. i feel so short of breath and sick and i am not imagining it.
the pain in my calf is higher up my thigh now. i think i have to go to a&e :(
im so scared guys.

28-10-13, 23:18
Call the out of hours doc if you can - saves going to A&E

28-10-13, 23:19
Breath in and out and try and stay calm, I know easier said then done. Seems like most of the symptoms are to do with panic. If it gets worse go A&E. Take care

28-10-13, 23:21
even if i go to a&e they can't do anything given my history.

this excruciating pain I've never felt before passed through my chest like it was being squeezed and my arms and chest went completely numb. this wave of heat passed through my entire body. i am soo scared im crying. i am so scared it's a clot.

Daisy Sue
28-10-13, 23:32
I'd take Nicola's advice and call the out of hours doctor service, maybe ask for a doctor to ring you if that's possible. Just because you have a 'history' doesn't mean you're not entitled to be seen or get treatment when you need.

It may well be completely innocent, all the symptoms you described can be caused by a number of non-urgent things, anxiety & panic included. But as you're so upset and scared, I would definitely say talk to someone, either out of hours or at A&E.

28-10-13, 23:42
Hun, try if you can to relax.

Your threads about clots and your calf go back as far as May this year. If you had a thrombos, you would know it by now, and it would not still be the status quo now in nearly November.

The chest pain I would lay money is anxiety.

I had it a month ago. BAD. Left arm, left chest, behind left shoulder and back. I was breathless, weak. As soon as my anxiety calmed, it went.

Your calf....have you been walking around on it normally, actually utilising your legs and muscles? Are you limiting yourself because you are worried about a clot? That will just increase pain, and increase your worry. Again, I would lay money you are holding yourself tense and stiff on the affected leg, which may now be creating pain up your leg.

A clot is not the sole explanation for your symptoms. You just have to repeat this fact in your head to take it in. I know that is hard though.

Is your calf discoloured, swollen, hard to touch, you are unable you put weight on it?

If not, there is a 99.9% chance you have no clot.

Try to take deep breaths. Try to divert your mind. xx:hugs:

28-10-13, 23:56
I just dont know what to do. I am going to try and get some sleep I feel so tired. I can't cope anymore with this anxiety. I am so scared of dying. I think I'm having a mental breakdown and I think I should just do a mischa barton and commit myself to a psych ward because I'm seriously stressing my family out with my worrying. My mum is so stressed out and I feel so bad for her.

I have had chest pain a million times before but nothing like this. Also my previous clot fears left for a few months but are back. This isn't a continuous fear. I managed to let go of it but now it's back full force.
I can't handle the anxiety, this is my lowest ever point.

28-10-13, 23:59
Darling, you need serious help with the anxiety.

Can you not see your doctor and really discuss this in depth...seriously..how this is affecting daily life for you, and that you need help? Are you currently taking meds?

If not, and if you can afford to do so, I would make steps to at least seek therapy or even counseling with or without the help of your GP (I know from experience how useless they can be) x

29-10-13, 00:22
Thanks debs. I am just extremely stressed at the moment I've never felt this bad before.

I have an appointment on Wednesday to see a counsellor. There is a psychiatric hospital near me so I think I might go there because I am on the verge of a breakdown tbh.

I'm just so scared that this is not in my head. My fear consumes me entirely. I just don't want to upset my family anymore they're all stressed because of me.

i really need someone to talk to because I can't go on being like this.

29-10-13, 00:55
I think debs has hit the nail right on the head.

I feel for you eastofeden, it's really frightening!

but also as Nicola, jaz, and sue said if you're that upset then i would contact out of hours, sounds like fight or flight mode has kicked in adrenaline surging through your body causing all sorts of symptoms you should try if you can stretching your arms up and to the sides to see if the pain subsides, deep breaths if you can, i know it's hard when in full flight but try.

Take care eastofeden.

29-10-13, 01:49
i have had fight or flight symptoms before and yes they are slightly similar but this was intense.

i was sitting joking to my mum when it happened too - out of the blue!

i remember reading people with pulmonary embolism having similar feelings this is why i am so scared.

i am hoping this was sheer anxiety but i don't think it was tbh.

29-10-13, 06:21
How are you feeling now? Have you had any sleep or been to the dr?

29-10-13, 08:25
OK, well my first thought would be that if you really thought it was anything serious why would you post a series of comments on here rather than go to A&E?

I'm not even sure you could have posted them if you had felt that bad.

Anyway, hope you feel better this morning.

30-10-13, 06:56
Just wondering if you're ok now? Did you go to a&e?