View Full Version : Fear of medication and being in pain

29-10-13, 04:54
Hi Everyone

I really would just like someone to talk to. I feel so alone even though I have a loving supporting partner and children but im not really sure they understand. Have had a back problem for 3 months, that kicked in Anxiety quite badly which I am on escitalopram for and has not kicked in yet. I need zopiclone to help me sleep cos of side effects. ive now developed a really painful bladder and am terrified of taking pain killers or antibiotics as i cant handle side effects. the bladder issue may now be because of a prolapse. i need my partner at home with me but he has already taken time off and has to be at work. im so scared. I begged the local hospital to take me in so if I took the meds and was ill they could help but i dont feel there is help for me, they send you away with more pills. ive been given butran patches for pain on my bladder but have read it can interract with zopiclone so i just cant take it. Im now being referred for physchiatrist for help with my phobia but getting through just an hour of each day is so hard......please can someone talk to me x

Daisy Sue
29-10-13, 08:14
You're not alone, no matter what issues everyone's anxiety focuses on, the basic fear and restrictions it places on our lives is similar.

It's a real shame you're so worried about meds, as they are probably what you need most right now.

I hope the counselling appointment comes through very quickly.. in the meantime maybe you could have a private chat with a pharmacist about all the meds you're supposed to e on, and see what their opinion is regarding interactions etc.