View Full Version : Please help me!!

29-10-13, 09:24
I am an 18 year old female who suffers from severe emetephobia. I was on citalopram for it but then started getting really bad period pain, which eventually led to constant stomach pain, so I was taking painkillers very often, as well as citalopram. I then come off citalopram incase it was the cause of my stomach pain. It wasn't.

Lately, I have been getting really anxious and worrying about what's wrong with me. I feel a burning sensation in my upper stomach, feel full after eating little, belching all the time and get mild nausea and sometimes a little heartburn.

They tested my stool for H Pylori but it came back negative. I think I have a stomach ulcer though caused by painkillers!!

Do my Symptons sound like I have a stomach ulcer or are the common with anxiety?

29-10-13, 11:57
This sounds like Indigestion to me.

I was on tablets from my docs just like you, and i started getting the same symptoms. I felt sick, bloated, full all the time. It got so bad it kept me up during the night. I went to my GP and she said the tablets they had given me had caused a bit of irritation to the stomach lining, which caused indigestion. Do you find that when you eat you feel better for a little straight after then it comes back?

29-10-13, 12:20
Indigestion I get those exact symptoms all the time don't worry bout it too much just relax, think about something completely different (I know it's hard) and then see

29-10-13, 16:31
Doctor gave me omeprazole for those exact symptoms. Worked a treat :)