View Full Version : Super anxious and feeling odd

29-10-13, 13:20
Im sorry I know ive prob posted about pregnancy a million times. Im due in 4/5 weeks and as d day is approaching im feeling so anxious and weird. I know anxiety is normal with hormones etc but im kind of in denial. Im so convinced this baby is not going to happen and something will happen in the birth. I just cannot see a baby. Im also worried about the birth about my med interacting with pain relief and what if I get that major PND where you get psychotic? This is not my first baby so I dont know why I feel like this. I feeel super weird. A reflexologist once told me (she said she had psychic gift too) that I would have 2 boys. Ive had my 2 boys (this is another one) so its freaking me out that im only meant to have 2.
Any advice or anyone been through similar?

29-10-13, 17:27
Hi Bab, I dont really know how to put this so please bear with me. I know, through some personal experience, that anxiety can be very cruel and make you think the worst of most situations. I won't pretend to know exactly how you are feeling because I dont. However what I wanted to do was just give you a little reminder of what is coming to you. A tiny new baby with cute little toes and a cute little nose. A little darling that will look at you for comfort and reassurance and expect food from you at all hours of the day. A little mind so pure that excites at anything new. A miracle is on its way Bab, to you. Please cherish it and focus all your positives on your new addition and your other little ones too.

I hope you find some help from this. Enjoy your little one x

29-10-13, 19:06

29-10-13, 19:43
What beautiful words ^^^

What I will add is that every pregnancy is different. I had a whole myriad of anxiety issues at the end of one of mine, it was the hormones accentuating it. Is this your second? I know with my second I didn't feel the attachment as I did to the first as I was feeling anxious and guilty about how the first would react and whether I could love another as much as the first. Of course once they were here that all felt very silly as of course they are just as special.

Try to relax and have some me time as often as you can. Even if its just having a bath and rubbing some cream into your tummy x

29-10-13, 20:38
This is my 3rd!! One of the main issues is that I was told by someone with a "gift" that I was having 2 boys, and now im pregnant with number 3 i just keep thinking its not going to happen and something bad is going to happen. I feel like i have forgotten everything snd im worried about going over the edge with health anxiety during labour xxx

29-10-13, 21:09
Oh yes sorry I read that, doh!
I really think you should try to put that out your kind because really how much does this person really know?!?!

29-10-13, 21:14
HAY BAB HI - :scared10::scared10::scared10:

I can not believe your thread I'm due exactly 3-4 weeks as well & this is my 3rd baby also.

DOES NOT GET ANY EASIER! Look on my threads Col - on pregnancy MY GOD I'm absolutly zombified freaked out about labour. Words are so easily written BUT I genuinely think I'm going to die during child birth. I've had a bad pregnancy, read threads to get an idea.
It's just knocked and knocked me more and more and now November is looming and I can't even live anymore. I'm just in some sort of pergatry. Just no answer, can not relax, can't escape - just petrified.

Not been well generally today weired faint virus headachy - im F****** sick to death of being cursed with the unlucky stick. A baby IS a blessing but I've been chipped and chipped away at physically & mentally. Even if I wanted more children - I MEAN THIS - I really really couldnt! With the other 2 I wasn't a GAD sufferer, prob were looking back over my life BUT full force I've only suffered since 2011! Seems like a life time of torture.

I'm genuinely scared to the bone - lack of control, what pain relief will make me feel even weireder? All the pregnancy horror scenarios - I think I've dreamt of every single one. Everyone keeps saying I'll be ok
Ha ha ha - if only they could swap shoes with me and get in my head - they'd realise how messed up about all this I am!
Pm me anytime Collette xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

29-10-13, 21:43
Thanks Mummy Anxious! xxx
Col... its so horrible isnt it - I just google all the time. Are you on any meds? xx

29-10-13, 23:16
No babs I'm not on meds I was given beta blockers but petrified to take them.

I don't think even a slap would affect me at the moment, I'm just numb:weep:

30-10-13, 08:11
:( lets hope we can keep each other semi sane ?? Xx

30-10-13, 08:27
Yes seriously pm anytime. I woke up in night with that buggy feeling? I'm awake now worrying about that & I wanted to go tesco to buy a pumpkin 4 kids!

This is just depressing. I'm sooo sorry your feeling the same . It sounds like your just as wound up about this as I am. When. Read your post & knowing we're due roughly same time - I did get comfort from knowing I really am not alone.

I just don't feel strong enough to give birth with all my ailments? :weep:

On a lighter note my. Car seat was delivered yesterday. After the other oe we bought was recalled. See my luck just unbelievable! But got a different brand nice colour happy at last.
Have u got everything ??xxxx