View Full Version : Does anyone else have this?

29-10-13, 13:38
I'm feeling reasonably well today except one annoying complaint. I have a burning sensation in my upper back Between my shoulders. Does anyone else get this? Im thinking (hoping) its a tension thing.

29-10-13, 14:05
Sounds like muscle tension alright, I often get a tingling & burning sensation in the same spot when I've slept badly or am spending too much time looking down at my ipad or phone!

29-10-13, 16:09
Thanks for your reply. I havent worried over it too much as it isnt a pain as such just an annoying burning type tingle as you say. My posture is all out so I suppose thats not helping. Thanks again :)

29-10-13, 16:23
I don't think a day goes by without me getting some kind of muscle ache, pain or sensation - especially in my upper back and shoulders. I know it's down to bad posture because I also hold myself very tensely - I'm trying to learn to relax!!! xx

29-10-13, 16:28
I suffer from stuck winds or air not felt in the chest or stomach but behind my shoulder blades.
Please help!!

29-10-13, 16:38
Yes im very tense too. When I realise how bad im tensing up I relax and its really noticeable. Shoulders are always up, even my breathing is somewhat forced. Must learn to chill out more.

Hey Tornado, I have confused my muscle tension with trapped wind in my back before but im sure its an anxiety related tension that we are not aware is happening. Try to relax and see how you get on :)

29-10-13, 16:44
I hold my shoulders up too - it looks like I'm constantly shrugging sometimes - especially when I'm on the computer! Breathing too; if I think about it, it becomes forced and that hurts my chest and upper body.

29-10-13, 16:59
Aw its awful isnt it. As soon as I relax my shoulders they drop about an inch and I feel so much better afterwards. Here's to chilling out a bit more :D