View Full Version : Need to get this off my chest Christmas is coming :(

29-10-13, 14:40
You'd think I'd be happy with having 4 children and Christmas coming but the truth is hate it it fills me with dread all I can think of is not waking up and ruining it for them the closer it gets the worse I get till I feel frantic inside I literally can't stand the thought of Christmas then today I thought what if It's my last christmas I hate these feeling they ruin everything x

29-10-13, 16:29
I remember feeling like this a few years back, I dont know how I managed to get to Christmas through the fear and panic but I did. Then the chaos of last minute shopping, family coming around and my then toddler opening every present he could get his hands on kept my mind so occupied. I hope you manage to have yourself a fear free festive season too x

29-10-13, 23:43
Thanks for the reply do you still get the thoughts at all x

30-10-13, 09:35
I so know how you are feeling.

I have two little ones and should really enjoy Christmas but the simple answer is I don't, it completely stresses me out!!

To me, these days its enforced merriment by the retail industry and costs a fortune.

When I was a kid obviously I loved Christmas but didn't have the worry of organizing its all and paying for it!!

What I did last year to make it more enjoyable was to keep it as simple as possible. I ordered as much as I could online so didn't have to battle the crowds in town (did the same with food shopping), I didn't order too much food cause it never gets eaten and lets face it its only for 2 days! and I just invited the very closest of family on the day - it was much more enjoyable:)

30-10-13, 09:43
Christmas , I am getting stressed already!!!! Don't know how I coped when ours were little. Sending :hugs::hugs::hugs:to you both

30-10-13, 10:05
Illgetthere I know how you feel. I love Christmas but I have the same thoughts as you, so as much as I try to be happy and excited, the negative thoughts push back in and it's horrible. I was the same last Christmas also. I'm sorry I can't be of much help to you just wanted you to know you are not alone :hugs:

30-10-13, 10:09
You are not alone, i am trying to push aside my thoughts till after christmas, its hard though as i am panicing about little things, i just want to enjoy christmas my favourite time of year, i hope you find a way to cope xx

02-11-13, 23:42
I really wish I didn't have to feel this way I feel like I don't make it like it's disposed to be for my children tbe closer it gets the more I worry about it it's the same for every birthday they each have aswell my daughter is 6 25th of November I have an operation the 20th and all I keep thinking is what if something goes wrong and I dont see her on her birthday wish these thoughts would leave me alone and let me enjoy these special times thank-you for all your replys means so much
Love and best wishes Vicky x