View Full Version : Paul McKenna

02-11-06, 20:13
Brilliant man even tho he is a bit weird at times. I watched GMTV every day and he uses what Carl uses on here - eft - but I cant download the video on GMTV website as I still use old fashioned dial up interent. Does anyone know if there is a dvd you can buy by paul mckenna showing the EFT tapping properly. I have read the transcript of Carls eft talk the other night but would prefer to see it on a screen to check if I am doing it right??

Love wenjoy x

02-11-06, 20:23
Have a look on his website


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


02-11-06, 22:04
Paul Mc obviously has a great deal of ability.

I am just so glad that he is now directling his attention towards helping people, rather than stage hypno.

humantouch@btopen world.com.

02-11-06, 22:25
I know Paul,

He as helped thousands of people for many years. He only does stage hypnosis once a year now, which he as done for almost 5 years now.

He is a master at what he does.

I have a DVD of myself teaching EFT.


03-11-06, 00:11
You can find a lot about the subject here, including a manual to learn how to EFT tap yourself, though I think it's best to learn it from an actual person... But it's all very very interesting. I am a 'need to see before I can believe' type of person, but when I tried it for a migraine while on the train to see my friend, I was convinced. The migraine disappeared within just a few 'rounds'!
Amazing stuff!


03-11-06, 00:18
Hi Carl

I downloaded the manual about 2 weeks ago and have been tapping since. I feel it has made a difference. Where can I purchase your DVD?


03-11-06, 07:12
Thankyou all for your replies. Carl - I think you are a lot like Paul mckenna in that you really do have the power to make people believe and get over their fears and its great that you come onto this website to help otheres. What isyour website Carl? I have tried eft once on myself but wasnt sure how to focus and make it work. Will also try Paul Mckenna website as well as Carls (what is the website?)

Many thanks. Love wenjoy xxx

03-11-06, 07:37
Ive been doing the tapping this week with paul mc, I wasnt sure if it helped but yest I went to Iceland and stood in a massive que,
I purchased 15 items (normally will only buy 1 or 2) i felt soooooooo
calm (first time ever) infact i was moving in slow motion placing things in their bags and chatting to the checkout girl.....


Usually if i manage to shop , i will go to a empty shop and buy 1 or 2 things and have the correct money ready.

is this the tapping working ? or am i recovering ?


03-11-06, 12:50
If I may ask who is this Paul Mckenna? Does he help with anxiety?

I am so glad to have someone to talk to who goes through the same thigns I do.

03-11-06, 13:05
Hello Mirry in my mind it is the tapping that is helping towards your recover. I make this claim because it is very common after someone as done this technique, people making the changes will credit something else for creating the change. And its usually something totally unrelated like a recent move or pay rise. Mind you they can't deny the change occured or that it happened while doing EFT. They just aren't able to link it to this weird tapping technique. It doesn't make sense. In EFT terms this is called the Apex Problem.

Lyndsey, Paul Mckenna is a famous Hypnotist, however he first made is name by doing television hypnotic shows.

Take care


05-11-06, 14:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Lyndsey, Paul Mckenna is a famous Hypnotist, however he first made is name by doing television hypnotic shows.

<div align="right">Originally posted by carldourish - 03 November 2006 : 13:05:48</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That is, within the constraints of the 1952 Act.

I've sent you a pm Carl asking you why EFT-ers use those particular tsubo points? ...

humantouch@btopen world.com.

05-11-06, 14:32
Dear Humantouch, I've replied to your PM. May I suggest you download the free manual at www.emofree.com. It will explain clearly there the answer your after. Bit of a strange question thou, as you know about the technique.

Take care.


05-11-06, 15:15
EFT provides a simple and highly effective way of working with the meridian energy system of the human body. A tried and tested formula of some of the most potent access points in the meridian network can be run through in a straightforward sequence that takes no more than a couple of minutes.

Lung Meridian

Meridian Flow: Toward the thumb from the inside edge of the front of the shoulder.

Companion Organ:
Large Intestine

EFT Point: THUMB Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Compassion, good survival instinct, instinct and intuition, free will, individuality, positive outlook, endurance. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Sorrow, resentment, worry, anguish, claustrophobia, inflexibility (both body and mind), pessimism, nostalgia. Large Intestine Meridian

Meridian Flow: Beginning either side of the nostrils running across the shoulder and down the arm to the index finger.

Companion Organ:

EFT Point: INDEX FINGER Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Compassion, good survival instinct, instinct and intuition, free will, individuality, positive outlook, endurance. As per the lung and metal element. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Sorrow, resentment, worry, coughing, anguish, claustrophobia, inflexibility (both body and mind), pessimism, nostalgia. Stubbornness, holding on.

Stomach Meridian

Meridian Flow: From under the eye up and around the side of the face - then down the torso ending in the second toe.

Companion Organ:
Spleen (and pancreas)

EFT Point: UNDER EYE Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Stable centred emotions, confidence, good taste, an understanding of appropriate behaviour, a sense of trust, considered thought and action. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Anxiety, worry, skepticism, poor confidence. feelings of suspicion or mistrust. Spleen Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, toward the shoulder and down to finish on the side under the arm

Companion Organ:

EFT Point: UNDER ARM Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Reasoning abilities, memory, a clear thought process, honest introspection, opinion, loyalty, willpower, sense of satisfaction/achievement, ideas & creativity, expressing sympathy.
Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Worry, poor concentration, forgetful-ness, cloudy thought process, vacillation, addiction, attachment, obsession, gluttony, jealousy, self-pity, strong concern about opinions of others, stubbornness, vanity. Heart Meridian

Meridian Flow: From under the arm-pit down the arm to the back of the little finger (towards the ring finger)

Companion Organ:
Small Intestine

EFT Point: LITTLE FINGER Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Tranquillity, gentleness, emotional balance, spirit, love, integrity, optimism, emotional and spiritual growth, zest for life, control of thoughts and senses, conscience, wisdom. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
The heart is the ruler of all emotions. Hysteria, erratic behaviour, alternating joy and melancholy, dullness, yearning for love, jealousy, sorrow. Small Intestine Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the end of the little finger up the outside of the arm, over the shoulder ending in front of the ear.

Companion Organ:

EFT Point: KC (side of hand) Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Memory, ability in making decisions, clarity of thought. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Forgetfulness, indecision, unclear thought process. Restlessness and difficulty in expressing emotions. Bladder Meridian

Meridian Flow: Begins at the corner of the eye, continues over head, down back and legs, ending on small toe.

Companion Organ:

EFT Point: EYEBROW Psychological Qualities of Balance:
Caution, restraint, determination, will power, ambition. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance:
Fear, lack of confidence, nervous-ness, fear of being submerged or overwhelmed, strained nerves, hypersensitivity (both physical and emotional). Kidney Meridian

Meridian Flow: Begins in the centre of the sole of the foot, travels up in-sid

05-11-06, 19:07
Hi, I'm new. My Dad has been using EFT for depression for quite some time, he has a session after dinner, he swears by it.


05-11-06, 21:31
Hello Carla,

I;m glad your Father swears by it. People who have depression, of which I suffered for many years. So I speak from experience, are extremely psychological reversed (PR) What this means our energy system is basically travelling in the wrong direction. But the beauty of using EFT is that you can re-balance your system.


05-11-06, 21:36
This all sounds fascinating. I'm so disappointed that I missed you in chat Carl. Do you have a website where i could find out more about points to tap please? I have suffered with depression for years and now with anxiety for the last few years too. I would like the opportunity to re-train my brain! [8D]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

05-11-06, 21:39
Hello Lisa,

I've sent you a PM.


05-11-06, 21:40
Hello Lisa,

I've sent you a PM.


05-11-06, 21:54
Hi Carl,
My Dad has tried to teach me the EFT, and I tried to watch the Paul McKenna GMTV download, but for some reason when I do it alone I either have a HUGE anxiety attack or start crying uncontrolably.
If I do it with my Dad, I just want to laugh and cant take it seriously!
Any suggestions?



05-11-06, 22:14
Hi Carla,

I know about the laughing matter, it looks bloody stupid doesn't it. However with what you said about anxiety & crying when you do it alone.

Could you not give it a go with your Dad, so someone is there for support. There is a saying in EFT called borrowing benefits, which means you will pick up the emotional healing involved.

By the way you can laugh while you tap, this is a very forgiving technique. It won't judge you.

Take care


05-11-06, 22:21
Ok, I will give it a try with my Dad, and I'll just laugh away if thats what I need! It does look stupid!!! But I know that it works.

I am having a form of NLP on Tuesday, they've called it somehitng else, like EMDF or something. I was going to not do anything else until I've had that, to see if that helps first.

Thanks for your advice, I will keep you posted!


05-11-06, 22:25
O.K Carla keep us all posted. Correct me if i'm wrong but I think you mean EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing ) Also a good technique, EFT involves some techniques the same. (gamut point)


06-11-06, 08:06
Yes, it is EMDR! [Oops!] I am looking forward to trying it.


07-11-06, 11:59
For those that keep asking, my site is


take care


02-09-09, 09:12
Hi all
Im pleased i have found this site. I have had panic disorder and anxiety for 6 years now i can hardly leave the house. I have tried every cd of pauls and it has not made a slight difference to me. 2 years ago i was introduced to EFT by a professional, but it has never worked for me at all. i have now seen 4 different therapists whom are trained in EFT and alos over the 2 years done EFT on myself daily and weekly and i have not once found any chnages at all. does anyone have any advise that may help me. I really am at the end of my tether and cant take much more. I have worked so hard trying so many different aspects but for me nothing works. I would love to be able to just walk in to a shop and buy something but i cant even get past the door. it really is horriffic. any advise would be very much appreciated

02-09-09, 21:50
I know Paul,

He as helped thousands of people for many years. He only does stage hypnosis once a year now, which he as done for almost 5 years now.

He is a master at what he does.

I have a DVD of myself teaching EFT.


Do you sell these dvd's carl ??