View Full Version : UK Clocks changing...........

29-10-13, 18:29
This time last year in the week after the clocks changed in the UK I felt my mood change dramatically.............downwards...

...and now this year it has happened again!!!! Despite the lovely weather (apart from the storm) my mood is so low, depressed even. But last year when this happened it led to a me being admitted to hospital in March...I know a long time after ...but I remember my mood changing at this point last year and my friends now tell me that this was the point I changed and that they noticed my mood was low...

Does anyone else get this when the clocks go back?

29-10-13, 18:45
Hi Sarah, have you considered Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD? There is more information here


If you read down it says that it CAN be successfully treated :)

29-10-13, 18:59
Thanks gypcyg I have a long history (see pregabalin board) of anxiety/depression. In March I was in a psych unit and was diagnosed with PTSD/GAD. The wierd thing about this though is the sudden plummet in mood when the clocks go back. I have spent loads of times in the sun in the last two days as we have had lovely weather since the storm here in Wiltshire.............I just dont understand :mad:

Thank you for your reply though :)

29-10-13, 18:59
Hi Sarah, I am the same although I don't get as low as you seem to have, but I find my depression worsens in the winter, not only is it darker outside it feels darker inside my head. Hope you don't get as bad as before.
Take care :bighug1:

29-10-13, 20:14
Wow Sarah I could have written the same! When the clocks changed last year I felt dark in myself and the dark outside oppressed me and I had a breakdown in March. I took some vit C this evening and have lit candles. Brighten the house!

29-10-13, 20:43

Hope the candles work for you:hugs:

29-10-13, 20:57
I think you should try too :)
Tonight I was having that dark feeling, but I pretended I was fine by eating all my food and enjoying it, being my normal bubbly self and chatting to everyone. Plus the candles and lava lamp, put on a few films, it really lifts the spirits! I feel much better.