View Full Version : I want to ask something even though I'm afraid of the answer

29-10-13, 19:02
Would I be dead if I had untreated brain tumor for 2 years?

29-10-13, 19:05
Yes probably. Or extremely extremely ill to the point you would undoubtedly know you had one x

rachel m
29-10-13, 19:17
Hi jimmy. no not neccesarily. It depends on the tumour, Wether its benign or malignent. Also where the tumour is growing, at what rate and what type of tumour it is. R x

29-10-13, 19:50
well, that's disturbing

rachel m
29-10-13, 19:55
Are you having symptoms jimmy?.

29-10-13, 19:59
Yeah, I'm kinda having them for almost 2 years. Most of the time it's just a sensation I feel in my scalp but it can also be shooting pain everywhere through my head that lasts no longer than a few seconds. I did a ct scan though, it was clear. My doctor says the pain comes from my neck problems and tried to assure me that I'd be dead by now if I actually had a tumor but my high anxiety just doesn't let me believe him :/

29-10-13, 20:16
I did a ct scan though, it was clear. My doctor says the pain comes from my neck problems and tried to assure me that I'd be dead by now if I actually had a tumor but my high anxiety just doesn't let me believe him :/

^^^^ There's your answer!

Good Luck!

rachel m
29-10-13, 20:23
I can honestly say jimmy, you do not have a brain tumour. Your symptoms are nothing like those of a tumour. You would have blinding headaches that only prescribed medication would relieve the pain. You would be vomiting quite often and may expierence visual problems. Hope this helps. :)

29-10-13, 21:05
A question I ask myself a lot, actually. In 2010, I went through a period of about 5 weeks with headaches. All day, everyday in my left temple. Nothing to the point of severe pain or almost blindness, but before that, I'd never in my life had a headache before - so I was terrified. After a bit, they went away although now I still get headaches occasionally. Like maybe twice a week in a month. (or twice a month, but just within one week of it - if that makes sense) In March of 2011, I had a blood test done by a the mental health team in order to get prescribed Zoloft for my anxiety - and they did a blood count and found my thyroid being hyperactive.

Within a week of taking new thyroid meds (Carbimazole) and a beta blocker (Propranolol) (because I can't mix Zoloft with the thyroid meds) the headaches went away, I was feeling a little less anxious and I was almost calm regularly. Even the chest pains stopped and I was sleeping like a baby.

Beforehand, however - I got the same kind of headaches you just described. I thought it was anything from a tumor, to a stroke due to a weird sensation of "tears" running down my left cheek. Obviously though, I'm fine. It all pointed to stress and higher blood pressure due to anxiety AND the thyroid.

Not saying there's anything wrong with your thyroid at all... mine weirdly fixed itself after a while and I don't need to take the meds unless it ever spikes again (I get a full blood count every 3 months) but, stress is a definite factor with headaches - and neck related! These days, my rare headaches are caused by neck stiffness from the way I sleep, or bad posture in bed because I'm at the computer so much. Eye-strain can cause headaches too.

In fact, anything mild causes the head to ache. From digestive problems such as constipation or "the runs" acid reflux, oversleeping and sleep deprivation, or even a muscle strain from everyday activities. Even diet! Chances are though, if it was ever something serious - you definitely would know. :) It's something I need to practice myself more often before my own anxiety and hypochondria kicks in.

29-10-13, 23:59
Now I feel so relieved... Thank you all! :)

30-10-13, 06:54
:) Good to hear! This health anxiety is a pain. I've had it since I was 13 so I know what a pain in the keester it is.

31-10-13, 14:08
I did a ct scan though, it was clear. My doctor says the pain comes from my neck problems and tried to assure me that I'd be dead by now if I actually had a tumor but my high anxiety just doesn't let me believe him :/

This may help...

Trigger Points And Referred Pain

One of the more fascinating aspects of trigger points is that they produce a type of physical pain known as referred pain. Referred pain simply means that the pain is experienced in a region of the body that does not contain the injury, or source of the pain. As you might expect, this phenomenon can create a great deal of confusion, as the actual injury is often not found where it appears to hurt.

An example of trigger point referred pain is the common headache. A person experiencing pounding pain in their temples, is naturally going to conclude that the problem is systemic in nature. Maybe they think it’s caused by high blood pressure, a migraine attack, or if the pain persists long enough, they may even entertain the idea of a brain tumor. But, the most frequent cause of a pounding headache is referred pain from trigger points in the Trapezius muscle, that lies in the upper back and neck region of the body.

from here (http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/managing-pain-without-meds/53866)

31-10-13, 14:31
Hi Jimmy - Hope you are feeling a bit better today - you would certainly have major symptoms by now if you had anything sinister.

We lost our 4 year old niece to a brain tumour 3 years ago and she died within 4 months of diagnosis.

I also have a friend who had a pituitary(sp?) tumour 12 years ago (he's still alive and well today!) which apparently are always almost benign and his symptoms came on very quickly too.

Believe me, both of their symptoms are NOTHING like yours. Stress and anxiety can cause so many problems with muscle tension. I've been in some kind of bodily discomfort almost every day for years now - bloody anxiety:mad:

31-10-13, 15:00
Hi Jimmy, I feel your pain. I am also stressing about brain issues just now as I have eye and dizziness problems. I am awaiting an appointment with the ENT clinic. My worry is due to my aunt dying of a brain tumour a few years ago and I am terrified it is hereditary.

One thing I will say though, I suffered many years with crushing headaches. Since starting on Citalopram 6 months ago I have never had one since (touch wood) so I now know my headaches must have been brought on by extreme anxiety.

31-10-13, 16:58
Liviguy, your response caught my eye and I just wanted to let you know, in case it is of any comfort, that an aunt having brain cancer would not be major cause for concern in terms of heredity. Usually we look for first degree relatives (parents, siblings, children, even grandparents) or a certain number of more distant relatives not just one. But I am terribly sorry about your aunt and I know how this can impact us, because a relative dying of cancer is what I believed sparked my HA. I just wanted you to know this info in case it helped ease your anxiety a little.

And Jimmy, you may not be dead after having a brain tumor for two years, but I agree with everyone else you would have major symptoms by now and it would NOT be missed on a CT scan.

Also, I am not talking out of my butt to either of you, I actually work with patients with brain cancers. xx