View Full Version : Needing help from every angle...

29-10-13, 19:38
Hi everyone, newbie here so go easy on me if i don't follow specific forum rules.

I've been an avid reader of the forums on this site for a while now and figured it was about time i registered and sought a bit of help and advice.

I will try to keep this short and sweet but apologise if it ends up the length of your arm!

So, to begin, i've had a fair few stresses and pressures in my life from a young age (Deaths, drug addictions, alcohol addictions, violence - none of these affected me directly but family members that i was/am close too), when i was around 15 years old (about a year after the death of a parent) i started to get these weird episodes, i had about 3 in a year and then they stopped, they always happened out of the blue, one at a sleepover, 2 at school, i would get a tingling sensation in my fingernails and teeth (those places only!) and i would feel very, very faint, i would also not be able to talk, my speech would slur, normally a glass of water would sort it out so i put it down to dehydration (now im thinking it might be something else), might be worth adding that i never felt generic panic attack symptoms, my heart wouldnt race, i wouldnt have problems breathing or hyperventilate, i was pretty calm, just wondered what they were, never saw a doctor though as they didn't happen very often.

Fast forward a few years and ive always had a constant dizziness, not like a spinning sensation but more like i was just really tired, like how you feel when you haven't had a great nights sleep. That's been going on since the weird dizzy and speech slurring attacks, except in the last year it's gotten so, so, so worse!
About 3 months ago i went to the doctors as i had to leave my job due to not being able to work - i was pale amd tired everyday and needing to sit down (not good as the job required me to be on my feet for my shift), i spoke to the doctor and he diagnosed Anxiety and gave me Propanolol which i got really scared about taking as i was suffering from bad palpatations (something i've also had for a large part of my life) never the less i took them for 3 days but stopped as they just made me feel a bit weird, anyway, so the dizziness has now gotten to a point where it's making it very difficult for me to walk or stand upright, i'm also getting the dizzy attacks back but without the tingling or speech problems, it just feels like i have a pressure in my head then suddenly i'll get even more dizzy, this lasts about 3-6 minutes then will go and i'll just be left with the normal amount of dizziness.

Normally i'd be able to deal with it., but it's gotten so bad lately that i'm really worried about how the rest of my life is going to pan out.
Might be worth mentioning, that i've had alot of stress at home for a prolonged amount of time, moved out last week from living with my mum, i'm now needing to stay with friends, need to start a new job (been on JSA for a couple months) but i'm very, very worried about not being able to go due to feeling so horrific all the time. Also the dizziness is ongoing no matter where i am, at home, with friends, on my own, outside...it does get worse when i go out but mainly because i'm so scared i'm going to pass out - which hasn't happened yet...thank fully.

I've also had some ear problems recently, temporarily lost 30% of my hearing in one ear and had a bout of tinnitus, got my ears syringed thinking it was causing the dizziness but nope, it's still there, also was diagnosed with Labyrinthitis which is meant to cause dizziness but i got some meds from the doctor and it hasn't helped at all.

The main questions i have are:
1: Is this anxiety or is the doctor just fobbing me off?
2: Why is the only real symptom i have the dizziness/lightheadedness and not really anything else?
3:How on earth do i get rid of this?!

Been tested for anemia, diabetes and had my thyroid checked, also had a blood count and all came back fine. Been monitoring my heart rate/pulse rate and it doesn't speed up more than what is classed as normal, i started to test my blood sugar with a home testing kit and every one came back within the normal range. Also had an ECG one night when i went to A+E with bad palpatations, that came back fine but only because i had stopped having the palpatations by the time they did the test...typical.
I also tried to combat this on my own by taking B vitamin complex, Vitamin D3, Iron supplements (i don't eat much meat), Acidophilous (I get bad stomach pains after eating when i'm stressed - this helps - Dr said minor IBS), a muti-vitamin, and also Apple Cider Vinegar. I also eat well and was doing regular exercise until this got so bad that exercise makes it worse!

Many thanks to all helpers! Sorry this is so long!

30-10-13, 10:15
The main questions i have are:
1: Is this anxiety or is the doctor just fobbing me off?

Yes it's perfectly likely this is anxiety, the Doctor has no reason to fob you off.

2: Why is the only real symptom i have the dizziness/lightheadedness and not really anything else?

Everybody experiences anxiety differently. Symptoms can change and evolve, so don't worry if/when they do.

3:How on earth do i get rid of this?!

By accepting it and not worrying about it. Sounds simple, but it's true. Meditation and relaxation techniques work well, as does CBT and other talk therapies. I'm not a personal believer in medication although it does help others so you'll have to make up your own mind there.

I hope you can find peace :)

30-10-13, 18:09
Welcome to the site