View Full Version : citalopram

29-10-13, 20:51
Hi everyone...my doctor gave me citalopram in june i only took 2 tablets i had all side effects was horrible. I stop them immediately. Went back to go they changed for Lustral. But there is a problem im so so scared to take them we are nearly in November and i still don't have the courage to take them. Any advice pls as I've benn gp today and been told to take them now if i want to get better. Im going mad cause don't know what to do. Help pls.:unsure:

29-10-13, 20:59
Hi there :)
I am currently on Citalopram and have just had my dose raised form 20mg to 30mg. I have been suffering very explicit dreams on these meds and for the first few weeks I was taking them I felt sickly, very down and tired. However I stuck with it and now I am coping well. I have also done cbt therapy. I have been on citalopram for almost a year now :)

What side effects are you experiencing? It does take a few weeks for the medicine to gte into your system so I would say stick with them. Maybe ask your doctor if you can start on a smaller dose? Ask for a referral to mental health services so you can start to deal with the underlying issue with a scope to reduce/stop your meds over time?

All meds take a while to get into your system and its about finding whats right for you so don't let your doctor pressure you into making decisions, be comfortable and in control of your care.... to the greatest extent you can be

Hope this helps a little?