View Full Version : By name and by nature...

29-10-13, 23:47
Hello everyone!

I'm new here (ForeverLosingControl) and I go by name and by nature...

I suffer with Generalised Anxiety and OCD...

I get VERY anxious over change, social situations and dying (massive fear of mine)

I am OCD over things such as germs, bugs and creepy crawlies (CANNOT touch them at all) things have to be "just so" and I need things to be a particular way and done in a particular way/order for me to cope with my day.

I've always had a huge interest in Psychology (although I now work in Childcare, very happy though!) so hopefully I can help others on this forum as well as seeking advice and support of my own.

So, hello! :-)

30-10-13, 09:30
Hello ForeverLosingControl,

I have fear over change too. I have too many habits to count!

Welcome to the community, you will definitely find support and understanding here :)


30-10-13, 18:10
Welcome to the site

30-10-13, 18:12
Hi Welcome