View Full Version : just introducing myself

30-10-13, 02:11
hello my name is Niyia and im 22 year old female who suffers from death anxiety and would love to just talk to people who actually understand what im going through

---------- Post added at 02:11 ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 ----------

ever since this whole anxiety thing sprung up on me over 2 years ago now i have never felt the same.. i feel like a shadow of my former self.. i currently take xanax elavil and abilify but nothing seems to help and as if thing were not already bad enough i have tachycardia which is an abnormally fast resting heart rate. i have at least 3 to 4 panic attacks every single day.. they have taken over my life.. im afraid to leave my house most of the time but im forced to because im currently enrolled as a student nurse.. i fear death every single time i feel a twinge of pain it sends me into a panic attack and i start thinking the worst. i often times have symptoms that mimic heart attacks and strokes because those are what i fear the most. im so scared that one day i will just drop dead at such a early age. my friends and family dont understand what im going through and most often sweep me under the rug.. im just so scared and afraid i need help

30-10-13, 09:00
Hi Niyia,
I'm sorry you are having such a bad time with this anxiety. Nursing is a very difficult job which involves seeing people ill and dying at times. For someone with your fears that will be very hard. Do you think your studies are possibly making your anxieties worse?

Sweeping things under a rug doesn't help, I expect your family don't know what to say to you. I have been looking on this site for years and it is such a relief when you find other posts with people feeling as you do. I'm sure you will find people here who will understand and be supportive.

Best wishes x

30-10-13, 18:11
Welcome to the site

janey jane
31-10-13, 08:49
Hello, sorry to hear you are feeling like this, I am the same but not so extreme as yours. it must be because you work around it all the time makes you feel worse? I developed health anxiety last few years mainly because of the cancer around in my family and friends so I completely understand where you are coming from. I know its your job and your career but have you thought about a career change? maybe to something a bit lighter that you may enjoy and not have those issues surrounding you so much? xx

31-10-13, 11:15
Welcome Niyia. I think that you will find a lot of support on this forum. I know that I have. I have suffered with a fear of death phobia for many years. Mine too is a huge fear of heart attacks, probably due to the fact that they seem to run in my family. There will be months when I feel fine and then, boom, my anxiety is out of control. I have found that my fear of death is actually a fear of loss of control. Death being the ultimate loss of control. I think it is best when I can find a way to make peace with the thought. Not easy to do and something that I definitely haven't mastered. Good luck to you. You will find much understanding here.