View Full Version : Very scarer right now ;(

30-10-13, 07:42
Good morning

I am due to have abdominal scan on Friday very anxious about this,(

I was previously diagnosed with diverticular disease two years ago. .
I have been suffering hot sweats and pain in lower left and middle below my belly button . Doctor are not sure if it is from previous condition or something new ?

Doctors have run all tests,blood / urine all clear .

Whilst I gave been waiting for my scan my father has passed away suddenly and I am devastated so stressed to the max :(

Also I have missed one period and due one this week and no sign ?

Sorry for Going on a bit but I'm Sooooo worried ;(

No sleep much since my father died I'm so shattered ;(

Doctors have offered some counselling after the death of my father , not sure if this will help
Does any one have any advice :weep:

Daisy Sue
30-10-13, 07:48
Good luck with the scan - It'll probably show nothing, as your bloods have done. All of this could be due to the shock and sadness of losing your father, and I would definitely accept the offer of counselling if I were you. It's important to have that chance to say what you're feeling, & sometimes we can't unload properly to our loved ones because they're hurting too.

30-10-13, 08:05
I'm truly sorry about the loss of your father. Yes, grief counselling is beneficial especially in light of everything else going on. I'm quite sure the irregularities to your body's routine are being caused by the undue stress you're under due to your life situation and your scan will be perfectly clear.

Peace and prayers to you and yours in your time of loss.

30-10-13, 08:09
Thank you all . My stress levels are so high and I am snapping at all my loved ones and they don't deserve that ;(

Think I will take the offer of councilling after the scan is done .
I need some kind of closure / why my dad had to go x

25-11-13, 19:29
Well been back to docs today and got scan results ,
They were all normal ;)
Doctor thinks that it is possibly my diverticular disease playing up and also could've suffering with IBS

He has given me fibre supplements to try and help and asked me to review diet to control symptoms .

He was very sympathetic as he understood the amount of stress I have been under since dad died and has been a factor in my issues .

It has been a great help sharing issues on no more panic ;)

Daisy Sue
25-11-13, 23:06
Glad to hear your results were all clear.

I heard on the news today that bereavement counselling on the NHS is up for discussion and improvement just now - sufferers haven't always been offered the correct counselling soon enough. So if you feel you need something more than talking to the GP, I'd say go for it... I didn't, and I had a breakdown some months later.

Not everyone needs bereavement counselling, and of those that do, not all of us realise we need it (if that makes sense). It's only later it can hit us real hard.

If ever you want to pm me on this, please do, as I've been though similar and know how it feels.