View Full Version : New Member Introduction

02-11-06, 23:20
Hello To All,

When I experienced my first panic attack, I was headed to an orientation for college, that was 16 years ago, I was 31 at the time.

As time went on, I continued to experience symptoms I didn’t understand and thoughts that overwhelmed the logical mind. I had no earthly idea what was happening only that I knew I desperately wanted these thoughts and symptoms to stop! Easier said than done that’s for sure. Eventually I came to a point in my life where it was more comforting to stay within the confines of my home.

About four maybe five years ago I finally discovered what I was having was a panic attack. Holly Crackers, there is actually a name for it, I’m not a nut case after all (although, some would debate that). Once I knew what I was going through I ordered books, read articles and purchased the Attacking Anxiety course from the Midwest Center. I draw my biggest strength from the books by Dr. Claire Weeks.

Finding professionals that deal with panic/anxiety disorders are non-existent in my area. The cost of seeing a psychiatrist is out of the question. And quite frankly, I don’t feel that it’s necessary to visit where I’ve been but more importantly, where I want to go from here.

With the advice from my books, support from this forum, I strongly believe I will be able to manage the panic/anxiety attacks and with that lead life on my terms.

Leilani [^]

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot

02-11-06, 23:43
Welcome Leilani, you'll find plenty of good stuff in here to help you.


Laisez les bon temp roulez

03-11-06, 08:40
Hi Leilani :D


Panice and anxiety can be a lonely place to be, but look know further, YOUR NOT ON YOUR OWN. There are lots of nice people here who know what your going through and they will help and support you as much as they can.

**With the advice from my books, support from this forum, I strongly believe I will be able to manage the panic/anxiety attacks and with that lead life on my terms**

This way of thnking will get you where you want to be and that is feeling better.



When you fear something,
Learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

03-11-06, 09:00
Hi Leilani,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


03-11-06, 09:12
Hi Leilani,

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on your way.

Your certainly not alone, we are a great bunch, glad to hear you are reading the Claire Weekes books they are realy helpful. you can also try this link theres some useful information there.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



03-11-06, 14:00
hiya mate

welcome aboard
you have found a great site here at no more panic.

it will help you no end

03-11-06, 15:22
Hi Leilani

Nice name. Welcome to the forum you will find alot of support here as well as lots of useful information.


03-11-06, 20:01
Hi Leilani

Just wanted to welcome you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope you get some great help here and meet some lovely people

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


03-11-06, 20:11
Hi Leilani,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

03-11-06, 23:38
Hi Leilani and welcome.You will get lots of helpfull advise here,and make lots of friends,they are all a great bunch.
take care;)

Ellen XX